Since the Regional Australia Institute (RAI) was established in late 2011, many researchers and users of research in regions and government have spoken to RAI about the on-going challenge of connecting with relevant existing knowledge about regional development. The RAI’s most recent work provides the missing link to promote further settlement in our regions. The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) is leading a national movement that builds on momentum already underway to see societal shift in Australia – to help rebalance our population. Author: Regional Australia Institute; Country: Australia; Australians face severe challenges in accessing and understanding the diversity of data that is available to explain where our regions are now and where they could be in the future. [In]Sight consists of 59 measurable indicators of competitiveness w .... The results confirm that most RDAs are focused on increasing and sustaining economic activity in their region. In establishing the Regional Australia Institute (RAI), stakeholders from the regions, government and academia emphasised the extent to which regional Australia has lacked consistent and accessible national level information to inform the discussion on regional development and to guide policy and investment decisions. The Stocktake of Regional Research is a first step in creating a long term .... This new body of work raises serious questions about the type of future Australia has if predicted population growth continues as projected in the outer suburbs of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) commissioned Griffith University to examine the experiences and learnings arising from the communities that have experienced, first-hand, the challenges of recovering from and adapting to the impact of disasters. The West Australian Premier, the Hon Mark McGowan, set out a clear plan for Regional Prosperity in early 2019, including a target of 30,000 new jobs. The project also supports researchers who want to see their work taken up and used for the benefit of regions to connect their insights to decision makers. To effectively address the policy problem, this organisation must fulfill three main functions: The RAI is the nation’s first and only independent regional economic think tank specialised in developing and communicating the knowledge, policy and practical solutions required to lift the prosperity of people in regions and Australia overall. They are the people we want to work with. Victorian Government has long promoted the benefits of living and working in regional Victoria through various campaigns such as “Ready when you are”. [In]Sight’s economic diversification indicator (within the Business Sophistic ....

Government Areas (LGA) and 55 Regional Development Australia (RDA) regions, unlocking  thousands of insights into regional Australia. Natural disaster recovery policy needs to reflect recovery processes and the individual needs of each community in order to achieve improved outcomes. The economic and business components of the disaster recovery process are often misunderstood, leading to poor outcomes for the affected community.

The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) invited non-metropolitan RDAs to provide input to the development of RAI through an on-line survey in April 2012. About the Regional Australia Institute. positive growth and change. The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) invited non-metropolitan RDAs to provide input to the development of RAI through an on-line survey in April 2012. What is Regional Australia? Regions Rising VIC is part of the Regional Australia Institute’s (RAI’s) ground breaking national roadshow for 2019. The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) is looking forward to sharing its latest work, Regional Population Growth – Are we ready?, at Regions Rising QLD. This research agenda provides a high level strategic framework for investment in specific research by the Institut .... Much of Australia's insight into business conditions is dominated by metropolitan perspectives, particularly at the national level.