Transferable people skills include: 1 0 obj Being aware of the skills an employer is looking for will help you tailor your experience and transfer the skills you already possess.Share Your Story, Join the Discussion or Seek Advice.. Counseling and advising … Jim Weinstein 1633 Q St., NW, Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20009 Phone: (202) 667-0665 Email: 13 Reviews March 19th, 2019 Health & Fitness Careers News & Tips. Read More <> Dawn Rosenberg McKay is a certified Career Development Facilitator. v�����v[�����=�~T�YQ�d��x�4�A�������6���ׁ�Ӱ~q|�b�V�տX�lJ�8`z �j���qŖO�ݲOE���o���u��?��F�?�F�i�������1���`��V��Y�9ly.��}���5#��D+!|�z4�h�*�S�X�A���|�؛]*�SC�.��;�G 3 0 obj Good day , I have trying to find information on utilizing firstly my life experience ( as I am in the older age group , though with a young outlook ). �Ia�N2#r��O_��Rq��~�m"���~>?�f�>��!+;d-���,D���&j�M>��j�7�æ��f�^Mgz��� �[������I����Lv_WWwﮑ�e"M��(����2)m ��$̈́-l��S(�q�*�[

Think of specific examples that you can cite to potential employers.

It supports researchers during their dissertation period and prepares for a professional career inside or outside of academia.

Thank you for any help you may be able to give me with this. Below are 87 common transferable skills divided into six broad categories: Basic, People, Management, Clerical, Research and Planning, and Computer and Technical Skills. 3. General counselling skills are accepted as being a useful addition in any vocation, as these skills will have given you a better understanding of the importance of good communication and rapport building. Jobseekers sometimes forget how valuable these skills are to potential employers. The course program is specifically addressed to all doctoral candidates and postdocs of the University of Basel. Hi I am a qualified teacher BA(hons) with QTS. Read More I want to become a child councillor as I have experience of children. Transferable skills can be w�'�i1���{�_Ff��`����D�`(1��J�X �����=��OW� 14 Skills Needed to be a Counsellor. <> stream It's especially important to highlight your transferable skills if you're changing career fields. Analytical skills are now critical to success, as data drives modern business in ways that were unthinkable even just a few years ago. Transferable skills are talents and abilities that can be used in many different jobs and career paths.

...self-reflection of 4 0 obj Transferable skills are skills you acquire during your education, internships, or through work experience that you bring with you to future employment settings. Some are hard skills, which are teachable and easy to quantify, like being fluent in another language. Analytical skills are similar to communication skills in that they’re important no matter what industry you work in or job you apply for. Transferable skills are those that don’t depend on a particular job – they go with you from one position to the next, and contribute to your success in any workplace.
Some are soft skills, which are harder-to-quantify skills like time management.

Management is also its own skillset.

Hello, Transferable skills will include your communication skills, leadership qualities, time management abilities, knowledge of software or technical programs, and others. On your resume, work them into the descriptions of your previous experience, taking care to match the language the prospective employer uses in its job postings. The Importance of Transferable Skills for the Counselling Psychologist Counselling Psychologists work therapeutically with clients of all ages and backgrounds helping them to cope with and overcome problems and difficulties arising from everyday life. Read More endobj
Student Counseling and Career Services Transferable Skills Transferable skills are skills gained through one experience, such as a class project, volunteer work, internship or paid employment, which can be transferred to other settings. Secondly my minimum counselling qualifications ( plus 2 yrs experience on a PG Art Therapy course ) along with having only recently qualified through the OU where I have obtained a BSc Hons ( Open ).