LOL I opened another window for Babycenter and searched abbreviations, it gives you a link to the most common ones. Posted 03/17/2015. What is going through your mind? TWW? Hope that helps...I'm still learning the lingo! EWCM- egg white cervical mucus (seen at Ovulation as a sign you are fertile)

The two weeks between ovulation and your pregnancy test can be stressful. Learn about the difference between PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms to make the wait a little more bearable. Just so you know, we may earn a commission if you buy something we've linked to here. It's just annoying me and I really can't find this page of abbreviations that ppl talk about..thanks in advance - BabyCenter Australia Hey ladies I'm getting the gist of the lingo and I think the tww indicates the expected due date of AF..? Abbreviation confusion: Hey ladies I'm getting the gist of the lingo and I think the tww indicates the expected due date of AF..?

Yes, thank you!! Getting Pregnant - Trying to Conceive . Questions about twin pregnancy and tww: Hi ladies, I'm popping in from the ttc board. This cycle I ovulated two eggs and I was told chance of twin was higher. LOL  TWW is new since I was here last, it isn't even on their list lol. Share the highs and lows of this time, and meet other women going through the same as you. Hubby's swimmers are pretty good and every time I've ovulated I have conceived. so guess must have been in my head. It's the time from ovulation to AF. 1997-2020 All rights reserved. But AF arrived (early!) Last TWW I also had tender nipples etc, and food tasted a bit funny, cramps etc. Yes, thank you!! LOL I opened another window for Babycenter and searched abbreviations, it gives you a link to the most common ones. I knew all the abbreviations when I was pregnant with DS (dear son) 9 years ago! Yes, thank you!! It's just annoying me and I really can't find this page of abbreviations that ppl talk about..thanks in advance

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A messageboard that will make a n00b cry if spotted. I ope... cadenandbaby'smommy. What does TWW mean??? You've made the decision and you are actively trying to conceive.

4 definitions of TWW. I could not figure it out for the life of me!!!! I'm with a fs and after a miscarriage in January this is my first cycle trying. But what does it mean? You are passing a message to a BabyCenter staff member. I could not figure it out for the life of me!!!! TWW= two week wait (*the time between ovulation and being able to take a home pregnancy test *HPT* AF- Aunt Flow (period) DPO- Days past Ovulation. Only files 8MB or smaller of the following types are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIFGet expert guidance from the world's #1 pregnancy and parenting resource, delivered via email, our apps, and website. Some also call it the Two Week Torture (TWT) What does TWW stand for? TWW is new since I was here last, it isn't even on their list lol. For the fastest help on The Wolf Web. The month I had chem pregnancy I noticed my boobs felt a lot heavier, otherwise no symptoms. Definition of TWW in Slang/Internet Slang. This product is matched to user comments in this post.BabyCenter aims to share products and services we hope you'll find interesting and helpful. But what does it mean? I could not figure it out for the life of me!!!! It stands for Two Week Wait. I knew all the abbreviations when I was pregnant with DS means Two Week Waiting..the period after ovulation before can take home pregancy test - HPT. Hello!