These companies each play a different role in ensuring that homes, offices and industries enjoy a competitive, secure and reliable supply of electricity.EMA also issues licences to electrical workers who are qualified to work on electrical installations. The number and type  of power station built is  the decision of each individual company based on market signals and government policy on issues such as the environment.
Ofgem issues companies with licences to carry out activities in the electricity and gas sectors, sets the levels of return which the monopoly networks companies can make, and decides on changes to market rules. The electricity and gas markets are regulated by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, operating through the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem). Suppliers work in a competitive market and customers can choose any supplier to provide them with gas and electricity.Changes in the energy market have had an effect on:The electricity and gas markets are regulated by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, operating through the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem). The purpose of regulation is to establish fair and effective competition in the supply of electricity and gas. The Electricity Authority promotes competition in, reliable supply by, and the efficient operation of, the New Zealand electricity industry for the long-term benefit of consumers.

Supplying energy to homes across the UK involves three key elements: making electricity through generation transporting gas and electricity and selling it to the customer. Changes in the energy market have had an effect on: Power Generation mix; Flexibility and security of supply; Renewable deployment; Significant emissions reduction ; Check the breakdown on our factsheet here. It also means that customers can choose which companies supply their energy.Most electricity is generated at large power stations connected to the national transmission network. This means that private companies make sure we have the energy that we need. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry. EMA is the regulator of Singapore’s electricity and natural gas industries, it also serves as the Power System Operator. The Singapore Energy Statistics (SES) is the Energy Market Authority (EMA)'s annual publication on energy statistics in Singapore. As the regulator, EMA issues licences to companies involved in the generation, retail and transmission of electricity; provision of market support services and operation of a wholesale electricity market. As the regulator, EMA issues licences to companies involved in the generation, retail and transmission of electricity; provision of market support services and operation of a wholesale electricity market. Energy companies can work in any of these different areas, and some operate in all of three of them The electricity and gas markets in the UK are privatised. Distribution networks run at lower voltages and take electricity from the transmission system into homes and businesses.Suppliers buy energy in the wholesale market and sell it on to customers. This ensures that electrical installations are safe. These companies each play a different role in ensuring that homes, offices and industries enjoy a competitive, secure and reliable supply of electricity. All Rights Reserved Ofgem's role is to protect the interest of consumers by promoting competition where appropriate. However, electricity can also be generated in smaller scale power stations which are connected to the regional distribution networks. It was formed in 2001 as part of the government’s efforts to liberalise the electricity market in Singapore. Energy regulation. Transmission networks carry electricity long distances around the country at high voltages. There are many companies in the electricity generation sector, from large multinationals to small, family-owned businesses running a single site.There are two types of electricity network: transmission and distribution.