One of the most important periods in human history was the uplifting power of Christ’s Resurrection. Giving up the ghost, breathing out the last breath, is for them nothing but passing through the gate, which from this world leads to the world which is with God; and thus for him who dies in Jesus, it is nothing but a passage into eternal life.One day the Apostle Paul uttered a self-despairing cry, “O wretched man that I am! Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:55, 57).A well-known magazine published an article entitled, The subject of immortality is not of human origin. That this second Adam was the MOST HIGH EMBODIED THRU THE RACE OF HIS OWN PEOPLE.

Some North American Indians, believing that they were providing their departed tribesman with the necessary equipment for the land where the Great Spirit lives, buried their dead with bow and arrow and canoe. 6:16.

The Biblical conception of immortality commences with man being in right relation to God, and such relationship he cannot attain by human effort.

And the Apostle Paul tells us in the book of Romans, that we are going to have a quickening, a stepping up of the electrons, a restoration of an Aura which will balance every atom of your being, which will restore you to perfect health. But is there any guarantee that this corruptible body will put on incorruption? So you see the book of Revelation and the book of Thessalonians is not dislocated. This did not fit into some things the later church would care to teach. I want you to know that you can draw thought out of one or the other, or both. For when they know that they are free, they will no longer let a guilt complex disturb their mind or effect their heart, or their digestion or anything else. That is the reason the powers of darkness want to distribute your wealth all over the world.

And everything that you have absorbed in the electrons around those little tendrils of remembrance can be adjusted and the error can be removed.Today, there is not a scientist who knows about the human mind who does not know that according to his size, that the electrons are stored around the tendrils of the nerves, which is memory.

Now, I presume to say this afternoon, that we have a greater working knowledge of these mysteries than Paul had at the hour of his declaration. God didn’t have to go out into space for this. I am going to claim these words:--’Not by righteousness which I perform, but HE has given unto me HIS righteousness. It is real. In fact, Isaiah was able to convey this as he recorded:--’Ask me concerning my sons.’ And the resident of the spirit to be revealed in them was also a part of the 43rd chapter of Isaiah.Let me tell you this.

And we see it in our daily lives.Now, we are not against amusement and people enjoying life.

I wish it would happen this afternoon.

The spiritual body is made of light. If the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Life, is dwelling in you, by that same Spirit will our mortal bodies be quickened into newness of life. Our Lord’s own testimony assures us of the deliverance from death and decay to life and immortality.The redemption of the soul is past, but the redemption of the body is still future. For if you haven’t experienced or don’t experience things of value, you better get in touch with your spiritual consciousness.

And I don’t intend to.

We are a problem of Semantics. And if you want the biblical name of W.W.III, it is the climactic struggle between Christ and anti-Christ. “Now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept . Thus this heavenly army will march with your troops.

But as for me, they can blow that trumpet any moment. "This mortal put on immortality" would mean that a person will not see Not only does that mean you who are alive and remain, but these who are raised in the first resurrection are going to reign with you as Kings and Priests on the earth. The Father has provided this and the particles of this out of His own existence. Not for non-Adamites who were created each in their own order, in the places where God created them. Some one says, ‘I don’t have any use for this old body.’ But don’t you worry about this old body. And if you will turn over to the writings of the Apostle Paul, he says, to wit---the redemption of the body.As far as Christ is concerned in His work on Calvary, HE died once and for all time for SIN. g. Immortality and eternal life will be displayed in our future bodily resurrection (1) The glorified and spiritual body will be an immortal body I Cor. For what God has planned for any individual or day and hour shall come to pass.

He is going to restore your youth. We read: “But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you” (Romans 8:11). The immortal soul of saint and savage alike has voiced a hope in life beyond the grave. First, there is physical death, or the separation of the soul from the body. 1 Cor. That which is immortal is not liable to death. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:53, 54). This is Christ. God sent this stream of life from heaven to earth.