You can only tag personal profiles (though you can check Whenever you mention or tag someone, not only are you getting their attention, but also potentially putting that post in front of their connections and followers, so it can be a very powerful ally for the savvy marketer.Great! Will that mention go away? Post Tagging: If you want to tag someone on your post start by typing their name, use Capital letter to do so, it will come up in the drop down menu. If you tag a Choosing that option may be confusing. (So you can tag Vin Diesel’s Facebook Page in your Chronicles of Riddick fan art, even if you haven’t yet followed it.) View entire discussion ( 1 comments) More posts from the NoStupidQuestions community. I have looked but cannot seem to find a way to remove or block the content or person. friends anywhere: On your photo, within your own update or inside the Once you know your Twitter link, here's how to put on Instagram, Facebook and Gmail to get Twitter followers!How to take a screenshot on Instagram? When you tag someone, you create a link to their profile. )While Facebook profiles have tools like tag review and timeline review, they On your Facebook Page, go to settings, and you’ll see these options:If you want to upload photos without allowing people to tag them, you have that option – and you can prevent people from tagging your Page altogether, if you want. For that click on the icon below your profile pic within the Frustrating….I cant even send a birthday wish!Not sure if it is just specific to my phone… but I was trying to do a post where you copy and paste a link and autofill the mentions. A few of theirs but not many. Either way, when Facebook prompts you that you’ve been mentioned by someone and asks you to approve whether it appears on your timeline, just hide the post.For those that want more control over tagging possibilities and visibility, head over to your Facebook settings and click on Here you can adjust who can post to your timeline, and whether or not tags must be reviewed by you first (recommended On).You can also adjust the default audience for tagged posts, whether others can be tag their friends in posts you’ve created, and whether or not you are among those suggested to be tagged when someone upload an image that you’re in.If someone is mentioning or tagging you too frequently, you can add them under Blocking, though it’s usually enough to simply ask them to knock it off.If there’s a scenario or nuance that I haven’t covered, by all means ask in the comments below and I’m happy to clarify, research or explain further.Are there any pros or cons to mentioning people or Pages in Facebook comments rather than the post itself?

)Now, when it comes specifically to images, there’s another big difference between how tags work for profiles and how they work for Pages:When you look at the Photos tab of your Facebook profile, you’ll see sections labeled That last one is where Facebook aggregates the images you’ve been tagged in, regardless of who uploaded and/or tagged them.It still has albums and places for automatically organizing things like your profile pictures and cover photos, but it So while it may make you a tiny bit nervous to think that people could be out there tagging your Page in random photos without your consent, don’t worry – your fans aren’t likely to see those pictures anyway, unless they’re friends with whoever is posting them.With all this stuff in mind regarding how to tag on Facebook, then, you should always remember this last lesson when If there’s one thing to learn from all of this, it’s that Facebook’s tagging rules are They change whether you’re tagging an image or an update, whether you’re friends with a person, whether that person has liked a certain Page, whether you’re doing it as a profile or as a Page, and so on, and so on.You might tag someone on Facebook, but it doesn’t show up because they removed the tag.Maybe you’re trying to tag a Page in an update, but it’s not working because that Page doesn’t allow others to tag it.Maybe you tried to tag your own Page on someone else’s photo, but they have You can’t always know what someone’s settings are in advance – so don’t let tagging stress you out!Ultimately, it’s one of those “try and see if it works” sorts of things. When you tag someone, that content will be shared with the person tagged and their friends. I'm able to tag friends on Facebook's mobile site using Chrome for Android, so this would imply that there is a bug in Firefox for Android, and I am assuming it is a problem in how Firefox uses JavaScript.

Learn more, including about available controls: We're working to update and the Help Center. Let’s say you are new to Facebook.

It’s certainly best to do that as soon as possible so that the mentions get included within any subsequent shares of the post, but regardless of when you make the edit, the user or Page You can mention up to 50 people or Pages in one post or comment. Facebook’s facial recognition will allow you to click a face and assign a name to it – and may even suggest one of your friends!Once your post is published, your friend(s) will get a notification that they’ve been tagged in your post.If you want to tag people in multiple photos in an album at once:While creating or editing a post, simply click on the Check In button and begin typing the name of the business. What’s going on? Not sure why it would do this. direct message saying you cannot tag them and suggesting an idea why

Facebook will display up to 15 results at a time, with the results changing each time you change or add a character.PRO TIP: If you do not see the Page or business you want to check into, try opening Facebook in a new tab and doing a search for that business. Avoid mentioning brand pages just to get their attention, as it’s likely to have the opposite effect.The intended use for Tagging is to indicate when someone’s been included in a picture, or was present when a picture was taken. live. The post you tag the person in may also be added to that person’s timeline. Also, if you or a friend tags someone in your post, the post could be visible to the audience you selected plus friends of the tagged person. Will my Instagram captures infringe on others' copyrights? Tagging someone in a Facebook image is very straightforward. Before all names used to show up in blue.All of a sudden, now when I hit the “reply” under a person’s comment on a post, their name doesn’t come up in blue. I got to the 6th colon : and it wouldn’t allow me to mention any more of my friends. For example, you can tag a photo to show who's in the photo or post a status update and say who you're with. This just started happening. 3/18/15, 11:44 AM. (Just keep in mind that tagging is an easy way for people to create links from their updates to your Page, and that by preventing tagging altogether, you’re limiting their ability to send people in your direction! If you don't see instructions for the version you're using, When you tag someone, you create a link to their profile. Thanks!Thank you for this article.I’ve noticed that sometimes when I tag someone that it shows up on their page but mainly my friends comments and likes show up. Select the person in the image you want to tag.