For example, the nearly all-white crowds of the New York City in “Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them” are whitewashed, as people of color (Black, Asian and Latinxs) walked, worked and lived in New York at the time the movie is set. “We’ve also worked with the state legislature to reign in the authority of the state board to control textbook content because more members have more often abused that power to censor textbook content.”Bell said one of the most detrimental product of providing a whitewashed version of U.S. history is how it leads to the a lack of information provided to students who end up receiving an incomplete and biased version.

He said some of these methods include revealing textbook that are up for adoption, monitoring right wing pressure who try to censor textbooks and pinpointing state board members when they try to censor these textbooks.“We’ve done public testimonies, we’ve sponsored rallies, we have lobbied on individual board members,” Quinn said. Despite the outcome, Quinn said the Texas Freedom Network will continue to support the proposal and will also try to get the state legislature to pass a similar law.

The statement also said all the statements in the 2015 edition have been carefully examined based on historical records and the feedback received. A similar thing was done by the TV show “Agent Carter”.This other example didn’t make it to the screen, but controversy was recently sparked when writer Mark Gatiss said that putting a Black soldier in a Victorian was “Another form of whitewashing (that fantasy and sci-fi are also often guilty of) is Famously guilty of this is the “Star Wars” franchise, which shows its Asian influence everywhere yet had no major Asian characters until 2016.Recently, the videogame “Overwatch” has come under fire for its Plenty of light-skinned actors get this treatment. It doesn’t matter how small the town is, how ancient the time setting is, how fantastic the universe is. No split between science and religion, the sacred and the secular.

“There’s no excuse in the year 2015 for textbooks to whitewash why the Southern states seceded for example,” he said. No split between a person searching truth through one means and a person seeking it through another. Within the realm of education, the organization works to counter advances made by conservative politicians to whitewash and censor U.S. history.Quinn said students in the South have consistently been taught that the Confederacy fought the Civil War over state’s rights and not slavery, as the Texas State Board of Education believes. “This desire to kind of quell the criticism or the questioning, to me that just seems counter to these ideals that these folks want to promote.”Loewen also echoed similar sentiments, but said the Republican push to whitewash and sanitize U.S. history displays a sense of nationalism in that it remains uncritical and turns a blind eye to mistakes made in the country’s past. Their protest stemmed from outrage toward the suggested right-wing’s modification of AP U.S. History and the adoption of a new pay-grade system that ties teacher’s salaries to their performance review A week later, at least 700 Jefferson County high school students staged a walkout and left their classes in response to the proposed changes to their history curriculum. Subsequently, costs for these books will decrease in other school districts, influencing them to purchase the same materials.As a means of providing economic stability to their company, Quinn said textbook publishers tend to adhere to state standards to minimize the amount of textbooks they produce and the frequency of changes that must be made to those textbooks. Omission of the truth is, in fact, a form of lying,” Speed said in the article.With attempts from national organizations like Teaching Tolerance to combat the Eurocentricity of U.S. history textbooks, th issue of whitewashing the past lends itself to the old saying, “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” Bell said the continued battle for voting rights, the lack of safety felt by people of color and the continued ignorance toward minority cultures further exemplifies the wrong in attempting to airbrush a version of U.S. history that does not tell the entire story.
And, if the question arises as to

The act of "whitewashing" isn't new in Hollywood, it's been there since the beginning of movies.

Wolfgang Peterson’s 2004 film Troy signifies perhaps the most blatant example of Hollywood whitewashing. “I think there’s a lot of steps between a student’s classroom experience to this list of stuff that they have to know,” she said. THE WHITEWASHING OF BLACK HISTORY IN TEXT BOOKS ===== ... (Example, Kierkegaard: It's got to be either this or that).

Similarly, Netflix’s “Marco Polo” drew upon the (mostly invented) tales of the white explorer to tell a story about the Mongol empire. As part of his PR campaign, Peterson … “And social conservatives are determined to use their authority in Texas to impose their political beliefs on what students learn in classrooms.”In November, conservative members of the TSBOE rejected a proposal that would allow state university professors to fact-check student textbooks. To seem Asian, the actors wore prosthetic eyelids in an act of blatant yellowface.There are white actors who build their careers on pretending to be people of color. Whitewashed History Is Unpatriotic. Whitewashing is The whitewashing of source material in adaptation is easier to call out, but that doesn’t make whitewashing in original works less damaging. Here are some of the biggest examples. In addition to analyzing the texts, Loewen also discusses the pieces of history missing from these textbooks. 08/13/2015 01:08 pm ET Updated Aug 13, 2016 ... Because of that brilliance, the United States can serve as a beacon and an example. The 20 Worst Examples Of Hollywood Whitewashing ... famous flop “The Conqueror” features perhaps the most egregious miscasting in history, in … “That bias necessarily lends itself to making one side out to be heroic, and in a lot of cases the other side is then made to be villainous if it’s not altogether ignored,” Bell said.Dan Quinn is the communications director for the Texas Freedom Network, a grassroots organization dedicated to protecting religious freedom and civil liberties in Texas.