Book me to provide either a presentation or workshop on the following topics:Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that I’m so happy with my website these days! I’ve followed all of this. I believe if your friends have their timeline open to friends of friends, then when something appears on their timeline, it does show in all of their friends of friends.Sharad, you can’t tag a photo on your page using Facebook as your page. If the post shows in notifications but not in the posts by others, there is a dropdown that will show you if it was blocked.On managing permissions – I have all those checked off – so those who tag me with pics should show up on my pages timeline, however it still doesn’t….what am I doing wrong??

You can only change the icons for other tabs such as your blog if you syndicate it through NetworkedBlogs or your sign up form if you use MailChimp.90 Day Year® Peak Performance System helps you achieve inevitable outcomes in your business with more speed, focus and efficiency than ever before.I use this system to grow my business and stay on track. What you can do is to post individuals onto the timeline by doing the following:The post will now appear in both posts by others and on the timeline in the correct location by date.Anybody has an idea if there is a way to set photo album privacy so it is visible only to friends of the tagged person? Recently, we were tagged in a post by another company. It’s finally become what I envisioned years ago. Creating a profile in a business name is frowned upon by Facebook and you run the risk of having your account warned or…I tagged a friend in a status but its not on his timeline & hes not online either, so does this mean he needs to approve it first? After a fight my husband blocked me from facebook. Thanks for the help!

I can't tag friends on Facebook by typing in their names. !You need to use your page as yourself and then you can tag your friends. I have a page that I admin and I want to promote someone else and gain exposure. Im having the same problem! You should all have personal Facebook profiles which should like and be made admins.Then if you choose to convert your personal profile to a Page, what the user name is I’m not sure. I followed all the steps but I still can’t tag anything. Go to your Admin Panel, click on the down arrow next to manage and select “Edit Page”. tagging my page would would only require you to type in @Masterful and my page will come up in the drop down list of matches.First, I would make sure you have plenty of admins for your pages so you don’t lose access. Notifications of pages when they are tagged in posts are not available.Thanks a lot for this very helpful info, I really interested reading this. Please see my recent post on Facebook Page Tagging: Can you please tell me why other people would want to tag themselves in a picture that they are not in? I understand it seems strange for someone to want to be tagged in a photo that is not them, however by tagging themselves or being tagged in this picture of your niece, they then have that picture on their timeline and saved in their photo stream under pictures of themselves. We love it, but trying to take advantage of some of its capabilities can be confusing.I got the problem solved with this answer to why can't I tag someone on facebook. Pages can only tag pages.I can’t tag my own personal account on my page… Why not?Pages can’t tag people, only other pages. ?I cannot seem to get notified when someone tags my PAGE in a post. Is there an option that I need to tik to get notifications when I’m tagged by someone else (user or page) or is it some kind of glitch of Facebook?Hey Debra, I tagged my friend in a photo and it shows that she is still tagged in the photo and she commented on the photo, but the photo doesn’t show up on her timeline or her photos that she is tagged in. You can turn on Only Pages within the Brands & Products or People categories can be tagged in photos. Please let me know if it does not.The problem i’m having is that sometimes other pages tag my page, but I don’t get notified and i’ll end up finding the status update with my tag in it on accident. Admins need to be aware of what is going on with tagging and monitor the activity to avoid any issues.Have I missed any features of tagging for Timelines and Pages? i am d admin of a compliments page, i want to tag my friends which are on my friend list on the compliments dey have got as myself and not as a page!!! Would you let me know how tagging works for Facebook Pages, as it seems to be different from personal profiles? Or does Facebook consider a fan page a friend and thus provide the admin with a notice? .There are no notices of tagging. Does the fan have to publish their question or photo with the tag as “public” to be seen by the page admin?

It may stay as KesariPsa but you might be able to change it depending on the number of fans that it has when it is converted. So according to Facebook, Pages are not notified. Did she dismiss the tag?That’s correct – posts by others are not interspersed onto the timeline by default. 32 posts / 0 new . How do I tag other Facebook Pages or people in my Page's photos and videos?

I didn’t understand it, but now it makes sense…she was an incredible young woman!To all who have asked a question about why their Facebook page tagging isn’t working, I’m looking into why. I have changed my facebook settings, the page settings and I still can’t get it to work. blocked on Facebook then unblocked, can't add back to relationship status . Step 2: Edit Your Post in the Scheduled Posts area and add the tag. Yes there is something you left out!

The story will not appear on the page’s Timeline and no notification will be sent as result of tagging a page.Since I found a tag for my page under posts by others back in February, I suspect this was something that was removed after the timeline was introduced for pages.Exactly the samen problem! I can do it on my phone and my iPad but for some reason when i try to select someone's name in a comment the window with suggested friends names just closes and doesn't select the friends name. Did you find a solution? I also received notification in the Admin Panel of these events.The photo was visible on the Page under the photos area, but not on the timeline.The layout of the photos section of your Page Timeline has your albums on top and tagged photos below.Tagging in posts show up on your timeline. Thanks again for all… Does anyone know why this may have suddenly changed in the last half year or so?I just found this page after hours of trying to find a solution.