The Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP), a protocol in WAP architecture, covers the Transport Layer Protocols in the Internet model. The WDP allows WAP to be bearer-independent by adapting the transport layer of the underlying bearer. Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP). UDP is said to be an unreliable transport protocol but it uses IP services which provides best effort delivery mechanism.In UDP, the receiver does not generate an acknowledgement of packet received and in turn, the sender does not wait for any acknowledgement of packet sent. TCP is a connection oriented protocol and offers end-to-end packet delivery.

• It is considered as unreliable due to absence of SYN/ACK flags unlike TCP/IP. UDP is a part of Internet Protocol suite, referred as UDP/IP suite. 2. 1. 3.

At this level, the communication is between two hops or nodes, either a computer or router. So, there is no need to establish connection prior to data transfer. TCP offers: 1. Loss of few packets in video and voice traffic sometimes goes unnoticed.UDP is used when acknowledgement of data does not hold any significance.UDP is good protocol for data flowing in one direction.UDP is simple and suitable for query based communications.UDP is suitable protocol for streaming applications such as VoIP, multimedia streaming. UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. Unlike TCP, it is unreliable and connectionless protocol. The WDP allows WAP to be bearer-independent by adapting the transport layer of the underlying bearer. Acknowledging all the packets is troublesome and may contain huge amount of bandwidth wastage.

Introduction: • It establishes connectionless service. The best delivery mechanism of underlying IP protocol ensures best efforts to deliver its packets, but even i…

For example, in case of video streaming, thousands of packets are forwarded towards its users. When the connection is established between the two nodes, a stream of bits is flowing between them. It involves minimum amount of communication mechanism. This means that the internal workings of any layer are transparent or invisible to the layers above it. Efficient Flow Control 4. The responsibilit… WAP is designed in a layered fashion, so that it can be extensible, flexible, and scalable. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a Transport Layer protocol. Wireless communication involves the transmission of information over a distance without the help of wires, cables or any other forms of electrical conductors. TCP/IP does not define any specific protocol for the physical layer. Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP) defines the movement of information from receiver to the sender and resembles the User Datagram Protocol in the Internet protocol suite.
5. 3. 2. WTLS incorporates security features that are based upon the established Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol standard. It includes data integrity checks, privacy, service denial, and authentication services.Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP). 4. As a result, the WAP protocol stack is divided into five layers −Wireless Session Protocol (WSP). The unit of communication is a single bit. The physical layer, however, treats each bit individually. The WDP presents a consistent data format to the higher layers of the WAP protocol stack, thereby offering the advantage of bearer independence to … TCP offers connection … The WDP presents a consistent data format to the higher layers of the WAP protocol stack, thereby offering the advantage of bearer independence to application developers.Each of these layers provides a well-defined interface to the layer above it. • It is defined in RFC768. TCP is a reliable and connection oriented protocol. 2.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) corresponds to the Transport Layer of OSI Model. It acts as back bone for connection.It exhibits the following key features: 1. Reliability.

Full-duplex operation. We deploy UDP where the acknowledgement packets share significant amount of bandwidth along with the actual data. The WDP layer operates above the data capable bearer services supported by the various network types. Acknowledging all the packets is troublesome and may contain huge amount of bandwidth wastage.

It supports all of the standard and proprietary protocols. Here are few applications where UDP is used to transmit data: Stream Data Transfer. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is simplest Transport Layer communication protocol available of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The best delivery mechanism of underlying IP protocol ensures best efforts to deliver its packets, but even if some packets in video streaming get lost, the impact is not calamitous and can be ignored easily. This makes it possible to use the WAP-stack for services and applications that currently are not specified by WAP.The WAP protocol architecture is shown below alongside a typical Internet Protocol stack.Note that the mobile network bearers in the lower part of the figure above are not part of the WAP protocol stack. For example, in case of video streaming, thousands of packets are forwarded towards its users. This shortcoming makes this protocol unreliable as well as easier on processing.A question may arise, why do we need an unreliable protocol to transport the data? Unlike HTTP, WSP has been designed by the WAP Forum to provide fast connection suspension and reconnection.Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP). A question may arise, why do we need an unreliable protocol to transport the data? As a general datagram service, WDP offers a consistent service to the upper layer protocol
• UDP header is mentioned below, it contains protocol field with value "0x11" in IP header.