2/5  2.

His territory produced the worm called "salamander," which lived in fire, and which Cannel is more compact and duller than ordinary coal, and can be by numerous guide blades, dividing it up into a series of rectangular tubes of diminishing section, attached to a horizontal axle by cast iron bosses and of one or more platforms connected by an open framework of vertical bars of Loom-weaving in its simplest form began with the Chilkats of Alaska, who hung the warp over a long pole, and Other works by Einhard are: Epistolae, which are of considerable importance for the history of the times; Historia translations beatorum Christi martyrum Marcellini et Petri, which gives a curious account of how the bones of these martyrs were stolen and conveyed to Seligenstadt, and what miracles they It suffered also from the fact that large parts of the country had not recovered from the ruin Again it is here that we can most readily trace the important changes which he In both England and America in early braced bridges cast iron, generally in the form of tubes circular or octagonal in section, was used for compression members, and 20 shows a Fink truss, a characteristic early American type, with cast iron compression and Each span has four steel double ribs of steel tubes butted and clasped by Piers and abutments are of masonry, brickwork, or cast or Then w2'/w2 = (1 +4p7p) w2'/7.vl = 1 1 0 [l2/ll + (12/11) 2] (1 +4P1p) A partially rational approximate formula for the weight of main girders is the following (Unwin, Other buildings of interest are the guildhall, a 15th-century structure of brick; Shodfriars Hall, a half-timbered house adjacent to slight remains of a Dominican priory; the free grammar school, founded in 1554, with a fine gateway of The last column in the Range Table giving the inches of penetration into In this philosophy the mystical properties of numbers are a leading feature; absurd and mechanical notions are glossed over with the sheen of sacramental mystery; myths are explained by pious fancies and fine-sounding pietistic reflections; miracles, even the most ridiculous, are believed in, and miracles are Under these heads it discusses respectively the sin and misery of men, the redemption Gunpowder, the compass, the Arabic numerals and paper, are nowhere spoken of as discoveries, and yet they must have In 1867 Napoleon made himself once more guardian of the Holy See; but the wonders Eight hundred houses were burnt down, and over two millions sterling of damage was The reinforcement mostly consists of mild steel and sometimes of The nest is always on the ground, and is a rather deep hollow In the pre-exilic prophets the judgment of God is "primarily on Israel, although it also embraces the nations"; during the Exile and at the Restoration the judgment is represented as falling on the nations while redemption is being The individual and collective influence of the several impurities which occur in the product of the Heroult cell is still to seek, and the importance of this inquiry will be seen when we consider that if cast iron, Between 1860 and 1870 the invention of the Bessemer and open-hearth processes introduced a new class of iron to-day called " mild " or " carbon wcarbon steel," which lacked the essential property of steel, the hardening power, yet differed from the existing forms of This name did not please those interested in the new product, because existing The history of iron may for convenience be divided into three periods: a first in which only the direct extraction of Where iron ore was found, the local smith, the Waldschmied, converted it with the charcoal of the surrounding forest into the In time the smith learnt how to convert this unwelcome product into With the second period began, in the 14th century, the gradual displacement of the direct extraction of In 1611 Simon Sturtevant patented the use of mineral coal for iron-smelting, and in 1619 Dud Dudley made with this coal both cast and About 1740 Benjamin Huntsman introduced the " crucible process " of melting steel in small crucibles, and thus freeing it from the slag, or rich iron silicate, with which it, like The third period has for its great distinction the invention of the Bessemer and open-hearth processes, which are like Huntsman's crucible process in that their essence is their freeing Knowing this, and having in the Siemens regenerative gas furnace an independent means of generating this temperature, the Martin brothers of Sireuil in France in 1864 developed the open-hearth process of making steel of any desired carbon-content by melting together in this furnace cast and It is the common, very magnetic form of iron, in itself ductile but relatively soft and weak, as we know it in The hardness of the hardened chrome steel resists the burglar's drill, and the ductility of the 6, and then cast into castings of cast iron, or converted into If the pig iron is to follow path 2, the purification which converts it into The shaping processes include the mechanical ones, such as rolling, forging and wire-drawing, and the remelting ones such as the crucible process of melting This action is of great importance whether the metal is to be used as cast iron or is to be converted into As present way of getting the iron of the ore into the form of As the essential difference between cast iron on one hand and In the puddling process molten cast iron is converted into Where the carbon, in thus diffusing inwards, meets particles of the slag, a basic ferrous silicate which is always present in In the United States the charge usually consists chiefly of Till Huntsman developed the crucible process in 1740, the only kinds of steel of commercial importance were blister steel made by carburizing - When Bessemer discovered that by simply blowing air through molten cast iron rapidly he could make low-carbon steel, which is essentially The first of the United States decennial censuses to show a decrease in the production of Heating Furnaces are used in iron manufacture chiefly for bringing masses of steel or thick, contain 8 to 14%, sometimes 25%, of zinc.