The JIT is looking for information on the individuals within the military and administrative hierarchy who enabled the shooting down of MH17 in Eastern Ukraine using a BUK TELAR.

Deze kan niet getoond worden omdat u geen cookies accepteert. Passengers from Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines had also been on board MH17.The photo albums are something that Hurhan remembers vividly. Everything, such as clothes and documents, was, therefore, collected and stored.Hurhan remembers finding photo albums with pictures of Asian victims' families and friends. For example, on 18 July 2014, two DPR-members are discussing that they are both receiving their orders from Moscow; one from the FSB and the other from the GRU.On 18 July 2014 at 18:52:57 hours, a fighter with call sign Mongol (A) 380951267673 is called by another fighter with call sign Sherif (B) 380958851694.In August 2014, not long after MH17 was shot down, defendant Girkin announced his departure and told Borodai he ‘was returning to the Staff’.

However, they both said that MH17 was something extraordinary. In a conversation of 3 July 2014, defendant Dubinskiy mentions which fighters have special phones and where they got those from:On 3 July 2014 at 20:01:11 hours Dubinskiy (A) 380631213401 calls Semenov 380639602502.The individuals who, according to Dubinskiy, had such a secure device all held important positions in the DPR. For example, a senior member said that local commanders discussed military matters with representatives of the Russian intelligence services in Moscow. In his call with person (B) on 3 July 2014 at 17:30:15 hours, Borodai (A) seems to acknowledge  that he was following Russian instructions: In another call, at the beginning of July 2014, a DPR-member tells a local commander that ‘men are coming with a mandate from Shoygu’.

He says that he spoke to his boss about his wish list for the mission. Door op "Accepteren" te klikken geeft u toestemming voor het plaatsen van deze derden cookies.

The plane had been carrying 298 people, two-thirds of whom hailed from the Netherlands, and the Dutch Safety Board took the lead role in the investigation of the disaster.

There are numerous phone calls with the Russian Federation about military operations.

A pro-Russian rebel touches the MH17 wreckage at the 2014 crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, near the village of Hrabove, eastern Ukraine. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription.

Mutual contacts intensified in the first half of July 2014. According to a high ranking DPR-member, nearly the entire DPR budget was paid by Russian funds.This is also demonstrated by the following recorded telephone conversation. You can also listen to audiofiles of two more conversations via another telephone line (79381340450) with Vladimir Ivanovich. Girkin says that Vladimir Ivanovich gives orders to him, but that Girkin commands his own people.We also release some conversations from other fighters about Vladimir Ivanovich. They are on trial in absentia at a Dutch court.

In another conversation, Vladimir Ivanovich is referred to as a ‘higher ranking boss’, ‘who flew over from Moscow’.On 17 July 2014 at 8:56:50 hours a certain Sergey (A) 380997759037 calls Vladimir Ivanovich (B) 79381340450. An assistant of Borodai (B) calls Pushilin (A), who will join the ‘government’. JIT investigators are available to help you in several languages including Russian and Ukrainian. I understand that they needed to be found for their relatives, so I just turned off my emotions and kept looking. U kunt de video ook bekijken op On 19 June 2019, the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) Recent analysis of witness statements and other information revealed that Russian influence on the DPR went beyond military support and that the ties between Russian officials and DPR-leaders appear closer. His boss told Sergey to ask Surkov himself if necessary, since he is the one who assigns the missions.Vladimir Ivanovich tells Sergey that he cannot tell him anything about the equipment Sergey requested, since he has instructions from his own boss.Here you will find other conversations from this Sergey that give more insight into his discussions with Vladimir Ivanovich.These talks include the role of General Serdyukov, a commander of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation, in delivering the equipment for the mission. Sergey (A) also speaks about the Russian Minister of Defence Shoygu, who supposedly had been involved in the matter in an earlier stage:On 31 July 2014 at 00:56:38 hours, defendant Girkin (C) and an unknown person (D) have a conversation about the delivery of equipment and the role of Vladimir Ivanovich in this. Both Russia and the pro-Russian separatists deny involvement. By clicking “I agree” below, you consent to the use by us and our third-party partners of cookies and data gathered from your use of our platforms. …conflict in eastern Ukraine when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed in rebel-held territory. Kharchenko speaks of an impending arrest of fellow defendant Sergey ("Nikolayevich") Dubinskiy.

The JIT wants to get in touch with further witnesses who are able to testify about these command lines and the role that Russian government officials might have had.

On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, carrying 298 people, crashed in eastern Ukraine. He said that it was something that he "had to deal with" at the time as part of any rescue situation.