However, depending on the circumstances, that charge could be elevated to a felony. From…If you have been charged with a crime in Georgia, you need to defend yourself…In recent years, Georgia has seen an increase in accidents involving drivers under 25 years…As experienced criminal defense attorneys in Augusta, Georgia, we obtain favorable results for our clients….What are the Penalties for Felonies and Misdemeanors in Georgia? If you have been charged with a crime in Georgia, it is important to understand the penalties that are on the table. Causing serious injury or death The McMichaels and Bryan also want the charges of malice murder and criminal attempt to commit a felony dropped. This information is not intended to create, and receipt The Cobb County District Attorney said Wednesday a Glynn County grand jury returned an indictment with nine counts against Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael, and William R. Bryan. For many people, the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction will include:If you have been charged with a crime in Georgia, it is important that you speak with a You’ve been charged with a crime in Georgia. Misdemeanors can carry up to 12 months of jail time, while a felony conviction carries the risk of more than a year (and, for many offenses, multiple years) of incarceration in a state penitentiary.Importantly, both types of misdemeanors are potentially eligible for probation and suspended sentences depending upon the circumstances involved.Which crimes are classified as misdemeanors of a high and aggravated nature?

Are you…If you are facing criminal charges in Georgia, there are many mistakes you need to…As a Georgia resident, you are entitled to all of the protections afforded by the…As you may have read, Georgia’s Hemp Farming Act, which Governor Kemp signed into law…As expungement lawyers in Georgia, we help our clients clean up their criminal record.
Instead, Georgia’s laws designate crimes as misdemeanors or felonies and assign sentences on a crime-by-crime basis. Felony Drug charges are serious crimes in Georgia, under State and Federal Criminal Laws these felonies may result in prison sentences along with serious prison fines. Examples of these penalties include:Regardless of the crime for which you are convicted, having a criminal record can impact your life in ways far beyond the sentence you receive at trial. Unlike many states, Georgia does not designate crimes by class (such as “Class A felony” or “Class 1 felony”). While Georgia law establishes two classes of misdemeanors each with a specified range of penalties, it assigns penalties for felonies on a crime-by-crime basis. Examples of felony sentencing ranges in Georgia include:In addition to fines, probation, and jail or prison time, individuals convicted of certain crimes in Georgia can face ancillary penalties as well. This makes identifying the potential penalties in your case a bit more challenging, and you will need to speak with a In this article, we will outline Georgia’s statutory penalties for “standard” misdemeanors and misdemeanors “of a high and aggravated nature,” and we will list the penalties for some of the more-common felony charges under Georgia law. Instead, repeat offenders will often be charged with misdemeanors of a high and aggravated nature, and certain other circumstances (such as committing battery against a family member, senior, or woman who is pregnant) can elevate the risks of criminal prosecution for a misdemeanor-level offense as well. Are you facing jail time? case or situation.

The malice murder count "charges two crimes in … We will also discuss the ancillary penalties that apply in certain types of cases, and we will highlight some of the collateral consequences you may face regardless of the specific sentence you receive at trial.As a general rule, the dividing line between a misdemeanor and a felony is 12 months of incarceration.

There are some exceptions for possessions of small amounts of marijuana.Possession of any other Schedule I or Schedule II banned the substance, from LSD to heroin, will result in felony criminal charges in the state of Georgia. If you have been charged with a crime in Georgia, it is important to understand the penalties that are on the table.