How Stan took his first intro flight. How Michael was able to talk his parents into buying an airplane at age 14. We talk about how Foreflight has changed the game. How X-Plane came to be today. What did AJ love about being a CFI. Some of the things Michael and I talk about are.. How Michael got into aviation. Cody is a current Army black hawk helicopter pilot, trained air traffic controller, and a commercial fixed wing pilot. Why its all about networking. Either email us at or reach out to us on Instagram @pilottopilot.

In this episode we find out how Major General Muth fell into becoming an Army Pilot, he talks war stories, and lists his top three memories of serving in the United States Army. Including Chemtrails At Night, the Teterboro video, and most recently I Sit Around Part Deux. Now, the pilot, author, and speaker merges his years of airline leadership experience with the creativity he's honed as an accomplished jazz pianist, the discipline he's developed as a two-time marathoner, and the real-world business acumen he's gained as a Penn State University MBA graduate to lead people and organizations on life-changing journeys toward success and fulfillment.Find out how Alex walked away from a career at Red Bull to land his dream job as a G-IV captain.Welcome to episode 65 of the Pilot to Pilot podcast. In today's episode, Noah and I talk about... How Flight Simulator helped fuel the fire. I hope you enjoyed the early access to episode 61.

How Haraldur’s wife told I’m why it is a bad idea to compare yourself to others.

Today, I am talking with my friend and mad scientist (find out more about that in the podcast), Anthony Pentz.

Happy Flying #Avination! Avination, welcome back to the Pilot to Pilot podcast episode 57 featuring Jim Sorsby aka Captain Moonbeam. We talk about how you have to do everything you can to get your ratings done asap. What AJ’s training was like. Today, I am talking with Jeffrey The Pilot. When Cory knew he wanted to be a pilot. What the goal of premier 1 driver is. What Colin's favorite part of being a CFI. We talk about how radio coms can be difficult for a young pilot. Why she started her Instagram page @pilotmaria And how she met @mariathepilot and @flymalin. 30w Reply.

and much more. John talks about his earliest memory of aviation. Happy Flying, JustinSpecial thanks to today's sponsor LIFT Academy, check them out at What is going on Avination and welcome back to episode 55 of Pilot to Pilot podcast. We talk about if Martin has any regrets about not becoming an airline pilot. How long it took Colin to get his ratings.

Since the last time we talked to Mel, he has become an airplane owner, passed his IFR, Commercial and multi-engine check rides.

How and why Jim quit regionals. Well, Sergio was able to be hired at 23!

In this episode, Jan and I talk about.. - Why Jan chose to attend Embry Riddle. We talk about what General aviation in Canada is like. To enter you need to leave a review on our iTunes page. Kelsey currently flies cargo all over the world in the 747 and 747 Dreamlifter. Michael talks about joining young eagles.

Colin talks about an engine failure. Why he thought he could never fly for the airlines. Today, I am talking with Martin Rottler.

Pilot to Pilot swag - Frank and I also talk about how he was originally scared to fly and what he did to overcome that fear. How Aviation is all about delayed gratification.