In Kate Tempest's poem "My Shakespeare" she expressed herself in a way she truly understands Shakespeare, the almighty play writer . I also think that the video was almost childish, that is just my opinion though… Although, I really liked the poem itself. In Kate Tempest's performance of "My Shakespeare," she was videoing outside with her rapping.

Into something rich and strange. In Kate Tempest’s performance of “My Shakespeare,” she was videoing outside with her rapping. He is seen in everyday life to her. He is seen in everyday life… In every jealous whispered word, in every ghost that will not rest. Even though Shakespearean time was very long ago,Kate believes that he is still lurking around, everywhere.

He’s in every father with a favourite, Every eye that stops to linger On what someone else has got, and feels the tightening in their chest. Under strict orders from Prospero, Ariel disguised himself as a water nymph and sings to bewitch Prince Ferdinand, bringing him to Prospero and Miranda. I know, she rapped the poem, but I would rather read the poem than watch Kate rap it. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. In language, movies, problems, etc.

Start studying Kate Tempest's "My Shakespeare". He’s in every young man growing boastful, Every worn out elder, drunk all day; muttering false prophecies and squandering their lot. On what someone else has got, and feels the tightening in their chest. I enjoy all the different types of figurative language she included. These first several words,"Full fathom five thy father lies" Ferdinand takes to mean that his father has drowned. He’s in every father with a favourite, Every eye that stops to linger. She included things such as cliches, idioms, and adages. She said in her eighth stanza that "His legacy exists in the life that lives in everything he's written" meaning she understands the accomplishments Shakespeare dis and how they are an important part of peoples lives. There were cars driving back and forth behind her on a bridge, along with a lot of other movement. Those are pearls that were his eyes;(470) © 2020, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Of his bones are coral made;

But doth suffer a sea-change There were cars driving back and forth behind her on a bridge, along with a lot of other movement. Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:..." One example of a figurative language that I found in her poem, which is a cliche, is” “We fought fire with fire.”Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Kate made the video more modern to show that Shakespeare is still relevant.In respond to the video of Kate Tempest’s rapping her poem, it was too much. Commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company’s myShakespeare Project, this spoken word piece brings out the pervasive influence of Shakespeare, … I didn’t know what she was saying almost the entire time. List the type (one of our vocabulary terms) and the example. "Full fathom five thy father lies. Even though Shakespearean time was very long ago,Kate believes that he is still lurking around, everywhere. This whole selection represents the detailed instructions that Prospero has given to Ariel: creating a kind of play within the larger play. “My Shakespeare” by Kate Tempest He’s in every lover who ever stood alone beneath a window, In every jealous whispered word, in every ghost that will not rest. Post two examples of literary devices that you found in "My Shakespeare" by Kate Tempest. Ariel's song emphasizes the fantastic and magical in the play. She believes that Shakespeare’s ideas are everywhere.

The lyrical and alliterative language not only persuades Ferdinand that his father is dead, but it also conveys the impression that the play is like a folktale or myth. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Nothing of him that doth fade Alliteration Examples in The Tempest: Act I - Scene II 1 "Full fathom five thy father lies.