Continuous frustrations of our basic needs may lead to serious maladjustments or conditions of mental ill-health.Our frustrations may be caused by minor obstacles in our environment. While longing for pleasurable union with the source of food, the child may yet in moments of frustration may wish to destroy it.

The person is constantly and continuously faced by difficulties to be faced and solved.

There are two or three positive, each struggling against the other. In short, frustration during childhood may arise from one of the following four sources or a combination of all these four: (i) Experience of serious painful feeling during birth, feeding and toilet training. “It can be defined as the blocking or a desire or a need. (iv) Frustration of response.

A man has lost his way in the forest. But the process of adjustment or of attaining and enjoying mental health is not always easy.

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Frustration is a key negative emotion that roots in disappointment (Latin frustrā or “in vain”) and can be defined as irritable distress after a wish collided with an unyielding reality.

Miller and Dollard (1939) have given a very classic example of frustration. Frustration is a feeling of tension that occurs when our efforts to reach some goal are blocked. Pour cela, nous devons: Prendre conscience du type de sentiment et d’émotion que la frustration génère en nous et les analyser. As noted in the definition of aggression, frustration doesn't have to be a behavior.

(3) The complexity of man’s psychological makeup, andThough frustration occurs due to several factors, obstruction from various quarters of the society produce severe frustration. (iv) Destruction of emotional comfort because of social restriction and respect of existing value systems.Finally when the childhood is left behind and the adulthood responsibility develops, adulthood provides another set of frustration.

Religious values, customs and traditions of the society enhance the scope of frustration. The same society and culture which create the needs and motivations in man also obstruct their fulfilment. He meets various failures in the process and learns from it.Therefore, frustration should be accepted as an usual course of life and it is inevitable. Economic deprivations, social customs, traditions, restrictions and taboos, the realization of our personal deficiencies such as limited intelligence, sensory defects, physical illnesses or weakness, may produce a sense of frustration in us.Another source of frustration is a conflict of motives within the individual.

A man may find himself in a lower level than he would like to do, i.e., his achievement lags behind his ability and so he experiences frustration. The feeling of displeasure, the discomfort and tension arising out of interference in the goal directed behaviour, is commonly referred to as frustration.In the most complex and complicated society of to-day, there are lots of occasions where the needs are many, but the outlets for the satisfaction of these needs are very few. A teacher may feel thwarted if what he has explained has not been understood by his students.

This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU.Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: It is, thus, viewed that the child brings anxiety with him at the time of birth and anxiety also accumulated thereafter.Freud emphasizes the view that the biological factors of helplessness bring in to being the first situation of danger and create the need to be loved which the human being is destined never to renounce.

In other words, we are trying to fulfill our needs in order to live happily and function effectively.

The feeling or state of being frustrated: I couldn't get a real person to talk to and slammed down the phone in frustration. Finally, he meets many frustrations in connection with his profession, business and aspiration of life.I Chheiser has pointed out four types of frustrations in connection with man’s work. It can be an attitude. Frustration may be defined as the blocking or interference of the satisfaction of an aroused need through some barrier or obstruction.

tion (frŭ-strā′shən) n. 1. a. Extremely rigid and strict disciplinarian make their child meet a number of frustrations during childhood.Such constant and continued frustration spoil the personality of the individual by making him react to any minor frustration and disappointment in very maladoptive manner, such as by becoming over aggressive, anti­social, hostile and non-cooperative.Sometimes he tries to withdraw as well as to regress from the reality and make excessive use of various defense mechanisms. Hence, he advises, that children should not be protected from all frustration. We can become so wound up with our frustration that we do not, and cannot, think or act rationally. Our needs cannot always be adequately satisfied in all situations.We have to face other people’s attitudes that are hostile-attitudes of criticism, fault-finding, nagging, scolding, scorn and ridicule. Deep gap between level of aspiration and level of achievement also leads to frustration.After the preschool age, in the process of physical and mental development of the child, every child encounters severe frustration in play as well as while first entering school.