Jilted by her scheming fiancé, she continues to wear her wedding dress and sit amid the remains of her wedding breakfast for the rest of her life, while she plots revenge Probably it is to show the immutability of Havisham’s feelings (revenge from the day of the marriage) and the undecided Salome’s. Not a day since then I haven’t wished him dead. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Prayed for it so hard I’ve dark green pebbles for eyes, ropes on the back of my hands I could strangle with. Whole days in bed cawing Nooooo at the wall; the dress Salome is aware of her loneliness and the fact that she was involved in many one night stands: “I’d done it before (and doubtless I’ll do it sooner or later)” The reason of Havisham’s spinster state is that she was jilted by her fiance – she is not wanted anymore.Both ladies are exposing in the poem their feelings concerning men. How about receiving a customized one? “woke up with a head on the pillow beside me – whose? This poem is written from the perspective of the character Miss Havisham from Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations. (2019, Dec 05). In Dickens' novel, Miss Havisham is a spinster who was swindled and left at the altar by a man she had fallen in love with. Havisham fantasizes through the nights: “Some nights better, the body lost over me, myfluent tongue in its mouth in its ear then down till I suddenly bite awake” Salome does not dream about physical relationship, she admits that she had intercourse and wants to clean her act, “get fitter, cut out the booze and the fags and the sex” The structures of the poems are divergent. If you contact us after hours, we'll get back to you in 24 hours or less.Hi there, would you like to get such a paper?

Duffy, a Scottish poet, is the Poet Laureate of Britain. This entire stanza is a kind of curse, detailing the extent of her hatred for her former lover.She is literally stuck in time, paralysed as a ridiculous parody or imitation of a bride whose love has been rejected by her fiancé. revealing without ambiguity the focus of the speaker’s hatred and emphasising the expletive.The alliteration of the plosive 'b' sound creates the impression that the words are almost being spat out, helping to create the caustic, bitter tone that runs throughout the poem. Spinster. Miss Havisham was originally invented by Charles Dickens and presented in “Great Expectations”.Duffy took both vharacters and presentes them in deeper, unconventional way. The character of Salome appeared in the New Testament books of Matthew and Mark. Although both poems use such technique as enjambement, only in Salome there are anachronims. This poem is a monologue spoken by Miss Havisham, a character in Dickens' Great Expectations.

Carol Ann Duffy also uses rhyme only in Salome in order to build tense leading to the final conclusion. Moreover, Carol Ann Duffy admits that her main characters have sexuality and emphasizes it. She doesn’t even remember the name of the man, who shared with her bed all night. To begin with, the voices of the poems are both single and female. It's Free! Furthermore, both of the poems are in the form of a dramatic monologue and they both have ambiguous parts. Want to add some juice to your work?

The whole text is subordinated to this aim – language, structure present their characters.

Jilted by her lover, she spends her life in her wedding dress surrounded by the remnants of her wedding breakfast. Havisham fantasizes through the nights: “Some nights better, the body lost over me, myfluent tongue in its mouth in its ear then down till I suddenly bite awake” Salome does not dream about physical relationship, she admits that she had intercourse and wants to clean her act, “get fitter, cut out the booze and the fags and the sex” The structures of the poems are divergent.Don't use plagiarized sources.

As a result those contradictions will be reflected in any other parts of the poem.Havisham Carol Ann Duffy. This is probably because the age difference between Havisham and Salome and the fact that Duffy meant to make the daughter of Herodias more coeval and contemporary.As a result Salome uses slang as “and ain’t life a bitch” whereas Havisham uses less informal words as “pebbles”, “corpse”. However, the reasons of being forlorn are contrasting. The voice in Havisham sais that “I’ve dark green pebbles for eyes,ropes on the back of my hands” Again, this is vague – whether the ropes are her veins or she just expresses her wish for revenge or it is a reference to Dickens – the natural mother of Estella, Molly has strangled a rival and has unusually strong hands. In Salome it is for example: “I flung back the sticky red sheets” They can be covered in blood either by an assassination or a sexual act. There is also an extension worksheet for more able students with additional questions and a creative writing task. On of the most significant similarities in both poems is that they both use the idea of subversion. The issue is presented at many levels within the poem, all of which are brought to life by the bitter mood in which Havisham tells her sorry tale. Jilted by her scheming fiancé, she continues to wear her wedding dress and sit amid the remains of her wedding breakfast for the rest of her life, while she plots revenge on all men. Havisham, has assorted emotions concerning her ex-boyfriend, which she expresses in an oxymoron: “Beloved sweetheart bastard” To my mind, Salome doesn’t embark herself in a platonic relationship – she rather enjoys the pleasure of physical closeness. – what did it matter? The reference to strangling her lover is an allusion to Dickens’ novel, in which Estella’s natural mother strangled a rival with her unusually strong hands. What is the poem about? No problem! Click to learn more The speaker in this poem is Miss Havisham from Great Expectations. Furthermore, the language in both poems is dissimilar. She showed the layer of the human being, which was a taboo and widered it.