He did not yell. A passenger claimed he was removed from a JetBlue flight on Thursday after an incident involving President-elect Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka.Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner were on a flight at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport on Thursday when a passenger confronted them, according to Matthew Lasner, who tweeted about the encounter between his husband and the couple. My husband expressed displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off the plane." "He was also not what I would describe as calm. If he screamed, I didn't hear it.Lasner wrote a series of now-deleted tweets before and after the confrontation occurred: In the initial tweet, sent out around 9:15 a.m., he wrote, "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. He said "they ruin the country now they ruin our flight!" His husband behind him was very calm. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is now investigating the incident. My husband chasing them down to harass them.

"NBC News could not independently confirm the content of what was actually said, and Lasner said in his since-deleted tweets that it was a calm or peaceful confrontation. The man's calm husband had tweeted earlier that his husband was "chasing them down to harass them.

Then about an hour later, Lasner wrote, "Ivanka and Jared on our flight.

Agitated for sure. A passenger claimed he was kicked off a JetBlue flight on Thursday after an incident involving President-elect Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka. By submitting your information, you're agreeing to receive communications from New York Public Radio in accordance with our For what it's worth, in a rare show of local tabloid unity, both Today's cover: Fellow passenger is glad JetBlue booted "agitated" Ivanka heckler "When the JetBlue staff went back to speak to the man I overheard Ivanka say to them 'I don't want to make this a thing,'" Scheff wrote.Witness Brett Murphy told NBC News she did not hear the exact comment the man made, "but there were definitely no raised voices." Yesterday, a couple was kicked off a JetBlue flight before it left JFK after they expressed their displeasure with fellow passengers Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner. "Personal politics aside, Scheff thought the airline made the right decision to remove the family from the flight: "Honestly, if I was her security I would have made the same call. "I did not witness his actual removal some rows back.

"Eventually, the man agreed to get up and go, with his kid still in his arms, and he never came back. The FBI and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department responded to the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport after a reported security concern. Marc Scheff, who sat in the "next row up from Ivanka," When he got on and saw her, sitting behind me, he said "oh my god. The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings. A spokeswoman for JetBlue called the incident a 'false alarm'.

Gothamist is a website about New York City news, arts and events, and food, brought to you by New York Public Radio. By submitting your information, you're agreeing to receive communications from New York Public Radio in accordance with our The president-elect's daughter was on a flight to San Francisco, but was ultimately headed to Hawaii, a public relations representative for Ivanka Trump told NBC News.The United States Secret Service referred inquiries to JetBlue but said Ivanka Trump has full Secret Service protection as the daughter of the president-elect.Daniella Silva is a reporter for NBC News, specializing in immigration and inclusion issues, as well as coverage of Latin America.Get breaking news alerts and special reports. His son is adorable and sharply dressed.And for good reason. My husband chasing them down to harass them. Lasner did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

He was also not what I would describe as calm. "The comments were definitely for everyone but he was directing them towards her," he said.

He added, "I'm less concerned about verbal attacks on Ivanka Trump than I am about the attacks on our civil liberties and institutions by the incoming administration. "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. “In this instance, our team worked to re-accommodate the party on the next available flight.”Passenger Marc Scheff told NBC News he witnessed the incident before the plane took off. This is a nightmare" and was visibly shaking. In a final tweet, about 20 minutes after that, he tweeted the photo of Ivanka with the caption, "Ivanka just before @JetBlue kicked us off our flight when a flt attendant overhead my husband expressing displeasure about flying w/ Trumps. I don't think the man was capable of violence, sure. The flight was delayed because the Trump family needed to get on first through different a different area than the other passengers, he said. But I would worry that he would leave his seat or cause a scene in some way. "After they arrived in San Francisco, the Trump-Kushner clan then boarded a private jet to Hawaii; it's unclear why they weren't flying a private jet to begin with.