Airai's winning streak was broken when Malakal won the Reward Challenge.

While Airai fell far behind during the rock throwing stage of the Immunity Challenge, they caught up during the puzzle assembly stage and won Tribal Immunity. From her official CBS bio page (1/3/08): "Mary Sartain is a co-owner of Statewide Financial, a real estate and financial company that, under her supervision, houses a team of loan officers, salespersons and assistants. During Tribal Council, Jeff hinted that instead of a final three that there would be a final two, which caused Cirie to declare that she felt she was at the bottom of every alliance that she was in. After declaring the idol a fake, Jeff burnt it in the fire. The plan was for Natalie to exploit Jason's trust in her and tell him that he owed her for sending him to Exile Island so that he could find the Hidden Immunity Idol. At the combined Reward and Immunity Challenge, Malakal won by a wide margin after Chet struggled to retrieve his key. Amanda was targeted for being a threat after Erik won immunity again, she saved herself with a hidden immunity idol and Alexis was eliminated. During the night, Alexis tripped and fell, injuring her knee. Alexis won the challenge to take a trip to Jellyfish Lake and opted to take along Cirie and her husband and Natalie and her mother.

On his 22nd birthday, Erik won Individual Immunity, unknowingly putting the second part of the girl's plan into place. At Malakal, Ozzy's de facto leadership and arrogance during a fishing excursion irked the women of the tribe. I am Mary Sartain of Survivor: Micronesia fame.

The full cast of 20 contestants was revealed on January 3, 2008 by The contestants included ten new players, the "Fans," and ten former players, the "Favorites," from six previous seasons returning for their second chance at the game. Survivor: Micronesia Interview - Mary Mary talks to us about the surprising turn of events that led to her being voted out.

Airai won the closely contested challenge and won Tribal Immunity for the fourth straight time. The doctor recommended that he be evacuated and taken to the hospital for treatment as the knee had become seriously infected. Cirie contemplated her options on which alliance to trust and join. All logos and trademarks presented are property of their respective owner.

After 45 minutes in, Alexis dropped out due to excitement over the next item (a chocolate chip cookie). After Tribal Council, Amanda and Cirie continued their argument over Cirie feeling that she was at the bottom of every alliance she was in, although they eventually made up and celebrated that they had all reached the final three like they had originally intended. Mikey B came up with a plan to split his alliance of seven's votes between Chet and Tracy to protect against potential Immunity Idols. Alexis, Natalie, and Parvati discussed what they should do if Erik succeeded in winning the next Individual Immunity. Erik asked Amanda on what basis she felt had to judge him during Tribal Councils, but he did not ask any question of Parvati. Their happiness was cut short however, as the three found out on Day 38 that Jeff's questions at Tribal Council about a final two were not hypothetical and they would have to go through one final Immunity Challenge after the customary honoring of past castaways who left the game. Erik chose the name At the Immunity Challenge, Jason won the first Individual Immunity, allowing him to give the false Hidden Immunity Idol to Eliza, though she immediately recognized it as a fake planted by Ozzy.

Jason and Eliza devised a plan that involved the two of them voting for Ozzy and using the Idol to protect Eliza from being voted out when the others made it clear that they wanted her gone. After the challenge, Erik told Amanda and Cirie about Ami's plotting with the Fans behind the Favorite's backs. On day 22, Airai and Malakal merged into one tribe and enjoyed the customary merger feast. However, the girls stuck to their plan, and Erik was voted out. Favorites during last Thursday night's broadcast. Mary Sartain was born on November 11, 1978. On day 14, the Favorites at Airai took charge and fixed the tribe's camp site by moving it further inland and building a new shelter. Cirie saw this as a good opportunity to blindside Ozzy, the biggest physical threat, and eliminate the danger of the Immunity Idol. At the Immunity Challenge, Erik and Cirie were the first to step down for a bowl of candy 20 minutes in.

RIP Erin Cebula. Sartain lived in Quito, Ecuador when she was five years old. Cirie volunteered to go. Amanda volunteered to go to Exile Island and Alexis granted her wish. AMA. Archived. Just before the start of the Immunity Challenge, Natalie put the girl's plan into action by telling Jason that James was going to be voted out and Jason needed to make sure that James did not win Individual Immunity. After Malakal selected Kathy to go to Exile Island, Jeff revealed the twist: the winning tribe also had to select one of their own to go to Exile Island. Although Amanda and Cirie thought it would be safer to keep Ami since they knew her game and didn't trust Erik, Ozzy was upset at Ami's previous strategizing with the fans about potentially voting him out.