Citizens who help identify individuals responsible for graffiti can receive a reward of up to $1,000.People who might not have ­bothered to call in or visit the city's website to report graffiti are more likely to do it with the mobile app, he says. A smaller number of agencies have taken the extra step to develop specialized apps for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, and most of those apps are aimed to consumers / citizens. I will be sharing this with others!I am loving this list (and downloading many of them as we speak)! Two apps specifically for those with special needs include Currency Identifier, which allows those with vision problems to scan money and receive an audible message of what denomination the bill is, and BARD Mobile, which provides access to braille and audible books, magazines, and music scores. Build your IT services to match agency business needs to scale across agencies … California is trying to meet the growing need for our citizens to not only get information but interact with government wherever they are. Probably the most useful part of the application is a searchable database of VA facilities by state, but you can also get information about how to claim veterans benefits. A mobile 311 app helps the city of Riverside, Calif., quickly clean up graffiti taggers’ work, says Steve Reneker.Dan Tynan is a freelance writer based in San Francisco. This is a functional yet design-oriented app with the team going the extra mile in the colour scheme, creation and placement of elements that many apps lack. Mobile Applications for State Government Some of the most important work that state agencies do takes place out in the field. And some of those apps were on display at a mobile app fair Thursday sponsored by the American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council. Eventually, the state believes it might be used as a license supplement, or maybe even one day offer drivers the option to have the traditional license replaced with the mobile version.What an awesome compendium! Government-created or supported mobile apps offer a wide range of opportunities for delivering services ranging from finding parking spaces and … Easy to use and love the way interface is being designed. I think there must be a latent demand pent up for people who are saying, 'Where's my app so I can report this stuff?' The Run by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Two apps specifically for those with special needs include You might have to be kind of wonky like me to appreciate this, but the Iowa DOT (coming soon): The Iowa DOT is developing a driver’s license app with the intent that it will offer drivers an alternative to the temporary paper licenses distributed prior to an actual license arriving in the mail. " Lowe says. "It completely shifted how people interact with the city. But if you're developing for internal use by your agency's em­ployees, that's a different situation. )Federal Agency Mobile App Registration: If your federal agency has not registered its mobile websites and apps yet, you should notify your mobile apps manager to visit the new U.S. Digital Registry. It serves as the authoritative resource for federal agencies, U.S. citizens and developers to confirm the official status of both social media and public-facing collaboration accounts as well as mobile apps and mobile websites … The event, hosted by ACT-IAC’s Advanced Mobility Working Group, highlighted a number of ways the government has leveraged mobility for agencies and the general public. Leverage your existing IT infrastructure and reduce overhead with centralized management for mobile devices. For now, though, agencies have their hands full just trying to meet the public demand for mobile apps, says Lowe.

"For now, though, agencies have their hands full just trying to meet the public demand for mobile apps, says Lowe. They simply open the ­The city began deploying its 311 app for the iPhone, Android and BlackBerry platforms about a year ago, says Reneker says 10 percent to 15 percent of Riverside's 311 reports are now generated via the mobile app, a number that's growing by about 30 percent per month.