Read more (3) For the purposes of this section and any regulation or notice under this Act, “ petroleum product ” shall include crude oil. ��U�5b������$�E�íXa�t��;���G���AT�Y��&���>ey�W )������i(�,u��U��6M��>N��8E%%�*i��5��ߏ��Ù�����Sֳd�,�{y�S!��U�$̎��t��Md��(��;ؽ�M'Q�t�SKmb��)�W���Q�9@��t *��IQ�.I�\�8ے��G��>|21>� 13 of 1990 1. - (1) This Order may be called the Liquefied Petroleum Gas ( Regulation of Supply and Distribution) Order, 2000. (2) The report on the petroleum reservoir referred to in subsectionthe chemical composition, physical properties and quality of the petroleum;the petrophysical properties of the petroleum reservoir formation;the petroleum reservoir’s productivity indices for the wells testedthe permeability and porosity of the petroleum reservoir formation;an estimate of the production capacity of the petroleum reservoir;(g) an evaluation of the petroleum reservoir and adjoining areas; and(3) The development plan referred to in subsection (1)(b) shall contain particulars of—the applicant’s proposals for the development and production of the reservoir, including the method for the disposal of associated gas;the way in which the development and production of the reservoir is to be financed;the applicant’s proposals relating to the spacing, drilling and completion of wells, the production and storage installations and transport and delivery facilities required for the production, storage and transport of petroleum; and such proposals shall include the following information— (i) the estimated number, size and production capacity ofproduction platforms, if any; (ii) the estimated number of production wells; (iii) the particulars of production equipment and storagefacilities; (iv) the particulars of feasible alternatives for transportation ofthe petroleum, including pipelines; (v) the particulars of onshore installations required, includingthe type and specifications or size of those installations;and (vi) the particulars of other technical equipment required for thethe estimated production profiles for crude oil and natural gas from the petroleum reservoirs;the cost estimates of capital and recurrent expenditures;the economic feasibility studies carried out by or for the licensee in respect of the discovery, taking into account— (i) the location;(ii) the water depth (where applicable); (iii) the meteorological conditions; (iv) the cost estimates of capital and recurrent expenditures; and(v) any other relevant data and evaluation of that data; (g) the proposals, if any, relating to the establishment of processingfacilities and processing of petroleum in Uganda; (h) the safety measures to be adopted in the course of thedevelopment and production operations, including measures todeal with emergencies; (i) the necessary measures to be taken for the protection of theenvironment; (j) the applicant’s proposals for the employment and training ofcitizens of Uganda; (k) the applicant’s proposals with respect to the procurement ofgoods and services obtainable in Uganda; and (l) the estimate of the time required to complete each phase of theon application duly made pursuant to section 20(1), the Minister shall, on conditions which give effect to the application and the requirements of this Act, grant the petroleum production licence applied for; andon application duly made pursuant to section 20(3), the Minister may, on such conditions as he or she may determine, grant the petroleum production licence applied for. (4) The requirement in subsection (2) for the submission of an(1) Where a discovery of petroleum is made by the licensee in an exploration area, the licensee—discovery, furnish to the commissioner particulars inwriting of the discovery; (iii) promptly run tests in respect of the discovery and undertakea technical evaluation thereof; (iv) submit the technical evaluation to the commissioner as(b) shall promptly take all steps that are reasonable, in thethe test results has been submitted to the commissioner, the licensee has, by notice in writing, informed the Minister that the discovery is of no commercial interest and no potential commercial interest; (ii) the Minister may, by writing under his or her hand, exempt the licensee, wholly or partly from the requirements of this paragraph, subject to such conditions as may be specified in the instrument of exemption. (2) A person exercising any right under a licence shall produce evidence of the possession of the licence to the lessee or lawful occupier of any land upon which the right is to be exercised upon demand being made to him or her in that behalf; and in default of the production, the person may be treated as a trespasser.The lessee or lawful occupier of any land in an exploration or development area shall retain the right to graze stock upon or to cultivate the surface of the land insofar as the grazing or cultivation does not interfere with exploration or development operations in the area.In the case of a development area, the lessee or lawful occupier of any land within the area shall not erect any building or structure on the land without the written consent of the registered holder of the licence or, if the consent is unreasonably withheld, the written consent of the Minister.The rights conferred by a licence shall be exercised reasonably and so as to affect as little as possible the interests of any lessee or lawful occupier of the land to which the rights are exercised, and exploration or development operations shall be carried out in a proper manner.