“A 15% withholding tax may be payable for services rendered in Canada..” Regulation 105 states that every person that pays a “fee, commission or other amount in respect of services rendered in Canada” to a non-resident shall deduct or withhold 15% of such payment unless it is “remuneration.” >��=D ^>^����kS��/��"���=��DgtwTG�7�YM�����MN�`���C�jU����~��@>���v����"nJ��hf���dq��>v���>�O�X8������*����.>�*j+��SaA��`��50�_����p�p��̸!����;6"T�o@ wy�Uiք��Mn�ݥ��f� �ާ�u������?���ǗD(f�7�xAmʢ{��f�‡�������[W���[K;[/�f�� Two levels of tax consideration When a Canada-listed ETF wraps a U.S.-listed ETF, there are two levels of tax consideration, which are outlined below. Additionally, foreign withholding taxes will be applied differently based on the type of investment account that holds the …

The tax is thus withheld or deducted from the income due to the recipient. International dividend-paying companies can be a great way to gain diversification and potentially benefit from economic growth in faster-growing emerging economies.Unfortunately, like with U.S. dividend stocks, the governments of the world will want their cut in terms of taxes.And just as with U.S. dividend tax law, the fine details of how much you have to pay and what forms you need to fill out can be both time consuming and a source of much angst come tax time.Let’s take a look at foreign dividend withholding taxes as it applies to U.S. income investors to see what you need to know to invest responsibly in international dividend stocks.While the U.S. government does tax dividends paid by American companies, it doesn’t impose tax withholdings.

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