Sheep, cattle and goats are overgrazing the vegetation.

The fight against desertification is a challenge that affects all the inhabitants of the planet.

Many countries around the world suffer from the problems caused by desertification but it is the Sahel region of Africa where the effects are greatest. Sahel: The Sahel is a transitional zone in northern Africa separating the Sahara Desert from the savannahs of Sudan. Lands turn to desert due to a number of reasons, but much of the desertification that is occurring around the world today is caused by human activity on lands that are extremely vulnerable to overexploitation and improper agricultural methods. Hot deserts are an important ecosystem with distinct characteristics and adaptations. When the land is cleared of trees, the roots of the trees no longer hold the soil together so it is more vulnerable to - an increasing population results in larger desert areas being farmed. In view of this reality, the African Union proposed a less ambitious but more realistic date: the one set out in the 2063 Agenda. The Sahel is a narrow belt of land which lies immediately to the south of the Sahara Desert and which extends across most of Africa.

- the global climate is getting warmer.

Regardless of the droughts, poor resource exploitation practices have been determinants of land degradation. is the process of land turning into desert as the quality of the soil declines over time.

The main causes of desertification include: - the population in some desert areas is increasing. An increased population is putting greater pressure on the environment for resources such as wood and water.

The achievement of the project was linked to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which implied a regeneration pace of 5 million hectares per year.

It has also allowed the creation of an international observatory that reveals the misery of the lack of access to water and education, and the need for an efficient management of the territory and its resources to combat desertification and remove millions of people from climatic vulnerability. An added value of the proposed model is that it can be exported anywhere with dry conditions and fragile ecosystems, such as areas of Fiji and Haiti, countries that have started similar projects. In the Sahel slashing and burning of natural forest and bushland in order to clear land for annual agriculture is the main cause of this destruction.

Regardless of its realism, the African Great Green Wall has as its main value to have brought together governments and communities in a common commitment to combat desertification and move forward in the fight against poverty.

On average there is less rain now in desert regions than there was 50 years ago.Characteristics and changes within ecosystems - Eduqas A massive drought had affected the Sahel, the large 5,400-km strip that crosses Africa from west to east, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea.

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You can get more information, or find out how to change the settings, in our use of Targeted at providing sustainable solutions to a lack of water and sanitation resources across the planetTo foster a sensibility and awareness of the water problematic around the worldFind out what we do, spread the word and start collaborating.The periodic crises in the African “Hunger Belt” have provided a more accurate and effective vision of the relationship between desertification and human activities. The lack of prospects forces this young population to exert a considerable migratory pressure in southern areas, a pressure that spreads to European countries.In 2007, the Heads of State and Government of Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan and Chad, with the support of the African Union, decided to launch a project to combat desertification in the Sahel and provide a dignified life with a future to its inhabitants: the of Africa. They provide opportunities for development but also face challenges such as desertification.Our team of exam survivors will get you started and keep you going. Sign in, choose your GCSE subjects and see content that's tailored for you. Question: What causes desertification in the Sahel? This leaves the soil exposed to erosion.