Over the next five years, there was a decline of up to 50% in GDP, and hyperinflation soared to 2000%. He expressed his opposition to the expansion of NATO to its borders, and launched an offensive against Georgia and Ukraine, who had attempted to move away from Russia’s sphere of influence and leaned towards the West.This placed Russia in relative political isolation, and skyrocketed Putin’s reputation at home as being a leader who stands up to the West.During the final years of the Soviet Union, Boris Yeltsin became one of its most popular statesmen. He gained nearly 60% of the votes at the Presidential election in 1991.
At the beginning of the new millennium, the economic situation improved greatly, helped by the fact that international oil and gas prices were rising. After the decade of Boris Yeltsin’s liberal, but rather chaotic, rule came Vladimir Putin, who returned to … The Russian Federation is the successor state of the Soviet Union after its dissolution on 26 December 1991.

The most important Prime Ministers were Viktor Chernomyrdin, Yevgeny Primakov, and Sergey Stepashin.In 1998, the Russian financial crisis hit the economy hard, and the ruble was devalued.
Russia defaulted again during the 1998 ruble crisis.

Orchestrated by Anatoly Chubais, an enormous campaign of privatization was launched.The shock therapy further escalated the economic crisis, and caused an even more dramatic decline in living conditions. With the Budapest Memorandum, Russia also retained possession of its nuclear arsenal. He apologized, in his resignation speech, for not having achieved his goals, and named the relatively young, and unknown, Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, his successor.At the end of the 1980’s, Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer in East Berlin where he witnessed the collapse of the Soviet system. After dissolution of the empire, it was renamed the, “Russian Federation,” becoming the internationally acknowledged successor of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, along with crime, corruption, and poverty on the rise, it turned out to be a disappointment, and a harsh experience for most Russians.After Yeltsin’s decade of almost unlimited freedom, but also confusion, Vladimir Putin’s reign is characterized by restricted freedom, state-controlled media, corruption, and his own cult of personality. Yeltsin ran for a second term, and won.Because of Yeltsin’s severe health problems, much of the President’s power fell into the hands of his inner circle called, “The Family.” Besides Berezovsky, the Family consisted of his wife, Naina, and his daughter, Tatiana Yumasheva, with her husband Valentin. The move took the world by surprise.

An official government translation of the Constitution of Russia in Article 5 …

He appoints the Prime Minister, who is the head of government, and all the other key ministers in the state. The Russian Federation inherited all the rights and obligations, under international treaties, of the old Soviet Union, as well as its debts.When Boris Yeltsin first became president, he wanted to open Russia to free-market economy, but actually caused a major economic crisis with reforms that were too harsh. It fed the spread of corruption, and created favorable conditions for the numerous mafia groups around the country.In 1993, the Russian Constitutional Crisis broke out between Yeltsin and parliament.

Yeltsin’s reign as the first president was, at first, characterized by high hopes of democracy and prosperity. Terminology.

. In 2012 they exchanged places.The Yeltsin years were characterized by mostly unwilling cooperation with NATO and the United States.

He cannot run for a third term. Vladimir Putin had the privilege of ruling over a growing economy with people witnessing their living standards improve every year. All that changed with Putin.

He appointed his loyal minister, Dmitry Medvedev, as President, and survived the Great Recession as Prime Minister, often also criticizing the new President.

The State Duma was founded in 1905 after the violence and upheaval in the Russian Revolution of 1905 and was Russia's first elected parliament. But it all changed with the recession in 2008, the 2014 War in Ukraine, and Western economic sanctions.The Russian Federation is a presidential constitutional republic. So, having ruled from 2000 to 2008, Vladimir Putin stepped down and gave way to Dmitry Medvedev, who then appointed him the Prime Minister. Starting in 2005, some of the federal subjects were merged into larger territories.

Exhausted by health problems, Boris Yeltsin resigned on the last day of 1999. The new constitution gave the president broader powers.After Chechnya declared independence, Russia sent troops in, and the First Chechen War (1994-96), had begun.