You can choose which rides to import. The Trailforks Ridelog feature has several purposes, the first being your personal log of the rides you do each year. Trailforks consistently has more elevation gain than Strava, even though the data comes from Strava. TR, TP, Trailforks, Strava, Wahooi use trailforks, just becasue its an app i already have installed and would rather not install another app just to trackI use Strava with Samsung Gear so you can still get the heart rateStrava. Tracking which bike you used on your ride is useful for your own stats but also for trail associaitons to see what type of bikes are being used on the trails.

level 1 Trailforks is a crowd-sourced mountain bike trail database. Yes, if you have imported bikes to your Trailforks profile from Strava, you can then exclude Strava activities that are imported based on bike. And i only linked both accounts/apps together with the 30 day challenge from Trailforks. It was originally focused on mountain bike trails in British Columbia, Canada. Through the Trailforks App users can access anonymized ridelogs to discover routes the locals take to access a trail. just use it to keep up with mileage for service intervalsSame here, although I do like look at the segments and see where I'm at. You can use Trailforks to discover popular mountain biking Strava segments overlayed on a trail map. Yesterday Strava said 25.9km, and 581m of climbing, while Trailforks said 26.0km and 732m of climbing. I track non mountain biking road rides on my Strava, can I exclude those?Can I use my Strava to add missing trails to the Trailforks maps?My Strava rides aren't showing up in the import list? The auto-importing above has you covered for all future Strava rides, now you can use this tool to bulk import all your past rides. Since they can be linked/synced, in which app do you actually press the record button and why?i use garmin imported to strava. Strava is the most popular GPS tracking app for mountain bikers, so we make it easy to import your Strava activities into Trailforks for the benefit of the community & personal use. Anyone know which is more correct, why? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Set it and forget it! For those competitive Strava users you can toggle on Strava segments on the map.

Also a good indicator if you are improving or not.I use Strava and it automatically uploads to trailforks. My rides get uploaded to Strava via other means, and then Trailforks automatically pulls from Strava.I record with Strava. Connect your Strava account to Trailforks and automatically import your rides. But that is only the start, we analyze ridelog data to generate regional trail usage statistics that trail associations can use to help plan and advocate for trails. Sometimes I use trailforks for navigating when in an unfamiliar trail center. Yes, now that your Strava is connected there is a "import & crop from strava" button on the When you setup the Strava auto importing you can setup some default privacy settings, or change an individual rides controls at any time. Tried Trailforks and it didn’t actually track my whole ride, just random portions when the signal was best I guess.I record on strava because it has an Apple Watch app so it uses my watch’s GPS which is in a better position than my crappy constantly-dying phone zipped into a seatbagI use my Polar M430 watch, which chucks it into the Polar Flow app, which exports it direct into Strava. You can have completely private rides, or rides that are public but the map & location is hidden.
Yes, even more control than Strava actually. Thanks to Pinkbike we are very excited to … I find that Trailforks will kill my battery much quicker than Strava so I only use Trailforks when necessary. I started using strava first, so I've stuck with it as my main.I don't normally track anything, but the one time I did I used Strava.Wasn't thrilled with it. My feeling was, what do I care about knowing or sharing this.I use a variety of devices (Garmin head unit and wearables, Polar, Apple Watch), and all sync with Strava. Trailforks only imports Strava activities are meet the following criteria. This page allows you to setup an automated importing of your Strava activities. Didn't really consider you could record on that up until recently.Strava on apple watch, sync to trailforks. Once setup Trailforks will automatically import your Strava rides in the background, usually within an hour after posting. Through the Strava then exports into Trail Forks.If I didn't have my watch, I would hit record on Strava, not for any reason other than that's 'the thing' it seems, and the watch work flow works in that direction. We will try and identify trails from your gps track and generate trail check-ins if that option is selected. I find that Trailforks will kill my battery much quicker than Strava so I only use Trailforks when necessary.Trailforks for me, I've had issues with Strava stopping recording for some reason, so I record with Trailforks and sync to Strava.Neither. Before importing Strava rides we recommend adding bikes to your profile. hide this
I also run and so I like just using the same app for everything.garmin watch sync'd to a variety of platforms. Trailforks also scans each ride for sensitive or illegal trails and marks your ride as private if we detect any, only you can view it.

Trailforks will check your Strava several times a day for new activities and import new ones automatically.

Sometimes I use trailforks for navigating when in an unfamiliar trail center. Segments are often not right at the start or end of a trail, so being able to see the segment in relation to the overal trail network map can help you … I don’t do it that way for any particular reason but had worked perfectly for me so far.I use an iphone and I record with Strava. The Ridelog data also is used to calculate average riding times for trails, as a guide to help improve trail accuracy and to assist in navigation.