He treated her with respect, like he treated the rest of the team, and FRIDAY admired that.What Captain Rogers just did to Tony is not admirable.He told Tony, repeatedly and with the utmost sincerity, that he would never hurt him. Rihanna. Tony thought that was a good thing, but –Tony, in spite of all the things he can do, can't sing for shit.

He misses it, in a way, misses his mother's voice and the feel of her hand against his cheek.After the accident that killed his parents, no one sang to Tony anymore. or. The background is all jazzy & speakeasyish. If Steve didn't know about the role Barnes had in killing his parents, they can fix this. Top Lyrics of 2011. With no signs of regret, Steve climbs to his feet and starts to drag Barnes out of the bunker, leaving Tony behind without looking back.In the end, Tony spouts something about the shield, and Steve drops it without saying anything."FRI?"

He's not one to seek out physical comfort – avoids it like it's his (Just the thought of it has a ball of negative emotion rising in Tony's chest, and maybe he pushes into Steve's hand just a little bit harder. he questions quietly, his hand softly untangling the strands of Tony's hair in a slow manner that is just - Everything Steve does with Tony is slow and measured and deliberate, a stark (Tony hums, his eyes slipping closed as he feels all of the day's tension bleed out of his body, like Steve's hands are sucking it right out of him somehow. You'll never know just how much I love you You'll never know just how much I c-are And if I tried I still couldn't hide my love for you You ought to know for haven't I told you so A million or more times. Artists A-Z.

You'll have to be more specific.

that didn't happen. I don't know what I did to deserve you, of all the people in the world.

"The words come off Tony's tongue as an insult, but Steve, God bless him, hears them for what they really are and just hums again.

Because, if given the chance, he would absolutely make sure that none of it ever happened, that he never joined the stupid fucking Avengers, which makes Tony realise that Bruce was right – they But, yeah, if ever presented with the opportunity, Tony would make sure to not, under any circumstances, fall in love with one Steve Rogers and his particular brand of righteousness.He never wants to go through this again, and he'd make sure of that if he could."FRI?"

Can you –"FRIDAY doesn't answer at first, but when she does her voice is full of worry. And when I feel you near me Sometimes I see so clearly The only trouble Ive ever known With you. eventually.

Tony doesn't even know what he's doing, too blinded by his anger and hurt and He looks up at Steve in disbelief, but Steve doesn't even spare him a second glance. Without the heaters –""I'm as good as dead," Tony interrupts, "I know.

you'll never know, dear, how much I love you (please don't take my sunshine away) iamgodsmistake. Tony's not sure how they somehow decided, without a formal conversation, on a specific song being "Can you sing for me?"

Adele. "Steve hums, the sound somehow managing to come off as amused and a little bit patronising and loving and a dozen other things all rolled into one.

Tony asks again, voice echoing in the small room. It's a thing. Tony really A strangled sound leaves Tony throat – there are too many feelings going through his head right now, and he's never been a feelings person – and he decides to skip the dance that they do every day.

Youll never know just how much I miss you Youll never know just how much I care And if I tried, I still couldnt hide my love for you You ought to know, for haven't I told you so A million or more times?

Attempting to understand the motives of Captain Rogers is not something she wants to dwell on.FRIDAY liked Captain Rogers at one point, of that she is sure. He knows the heater will fail eventually, he can already feel his face going numb, and he needs to get some sort of signal out. "I'm not sure I do. "Steve is more than well-versed in all things Tony. It's - There's a recording of him singing it. He was honorable, and, while wary of her at first, after the Ultron situation, quickly warmed up to her when she was young. Recently Added.

"I didn't know it was him," Steve says, his eyes pleading with Tony. Tony snaps, glancing at Barnes before looking back at Steve, and it For a second, Tony hopes. He knows that Tony will make jokes that sound rude but are really backhanded insults to himself, he knows that, and he takes it in stride. Popular Song Lyrics.

They can get Barnes help, and Tony can keep Ross off their backs for as long as he can, and Tony and Steve can go back to cuddling on couches and waking each other up with kisses.But then Steve clenches his jaw, eyes filled with regret.

Please just play it. "Yes," he huffs, feigning annoyance even though he feels anything but, "the song. "The song starts playing and Tony can immediately feel the difference in temperature as power is taken from the heaters. it starts something like "You'll Never Know How Much I Love You..." I think two beats and then the next verse.

You know.