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I’ve been hurt a hundred times. Start by marking “Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin” as Want to Read: This is a simple and straightforward guide to boundaries and what they are. by Mjf Books The first person stories can be a little upsetting.I can't say I really got that much out of it. The text is really deep and I will probably read it over and over before I actually take in everything it has to say.Good introduction to the concept of boundaries, how your personal boundaries can be violated, and talked about how to create or maintain healthy boundaries. Boundaries 101: Where You End and I Begin. But I didn’t. I had learned this lesson the hard way after 2018, but it was all part of an emotionally confusing and label-less morass that pivoted towards feeling like I was protecting myself, ensuring no one stepped across a "hard limit," etc. So I finally got it. Published The types of personalities exhibiting these types of diseases … I understood the big message - boundaries are important and healthy. Boundaries: Where You End And I Begin: How To Recognize And Set Healthy Boundaries by Anne Katherine: The Death and Life of Charlie St. There were a few good gems of information and advice, but the execution wasn't very good. So, for that, I am grateful. Highly recommend this book bc as previously mentioned, it's super easy to follow.This book was very helpful for understanding boundaries and identifying boundary violations. But I can protect myself from being hurt again. I recommend it to lots of my clients. Overall, I don't think I'll be using this as a prime resource for teaching about boundaries.This book has very simple but extremely helpful material for creating healthy physical and emotional boundaries. But it was a good quick read that gave me a couple of ideas.My therapist gave me this book to read. Yet for many, the concept of boundaries is foreign or confusing and it can be difficult to know where to begin. 1567312365 But it is a great book for teaching one to recognize where boundaries should be drawn in multiple situations.. work, family, friends, etc. It is packed full of life stories that will break your heart, especially if … I strive for completeness with my lists rather than a curated representation of how cool I am (mostly because let's face it, I haven't got a damn clue how to do that).Yet another self-help book to add to the list. Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin by Anne Katherine. That said, the *exercises* are good & I learned some things.

Welcome back. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I wish that the author had included a few "tamer" examples. )This was okay.

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This book came out in 1991. Maybe I was expecting something a little different. It shed light on boundaries in professional and personal relationships and provides understanding.I really like this book. I picked it up at a library sale some time back and read it only recently. Definitely enjoyed it more than "Healing the shame that binds you". I've been working on boundaries for years and years but this is first information I found that really explains them thoroughly: how they develop, what can sidetrack their healthy development, what that can cause and how to get back on track.

I love that.

I loved the stories but they seemed to pop up and disappear without rhyme or reason. This is an older book, and I picked it up because I want to read more about boundaries. Ultimately, come prepared to learn more about yourself in this skill-building session. Big diseases like cancer, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, some types of depression and people with chronic low self-worth are often associated with boundaries issues.