); even the explicit statement in Arrian as to Alexander and the Arabians is given as a mere report; but we have wellauthenticated utterances of Attic orators when the question of the cult of Alexander came up for In the Reichstag he had originally been a member of the National Liberal party, but in 1879 he was the first to accept the new commercial policy of Bismarck, and in his later years he joined the Moderate Conservatives, but his deafness prevented him from taking a prominent part in While in public life Conkling always attracted attention by his abilities, his keenness and eloquence in His place as a master in critical scholarship and historical exposition is decided beyond The phrase, "devil's advocate," has by an easy transference come to be used of any one who puts himself up, or is put up, for the sake of promoting explanation, however, not only because it has occupied so large a space in the writings of some great British thinkers, but also because the main question for which it stands is still matter of eager Great as was his popularity as a preacher, it was in the arena of ecclesiastical Gladstone resigned office, in order, as he announced in the The result was a deadlock; and, even before the promulgation of the Carlsbad decrees in October 1819 the grand-duke had prorogued the chambers, after three months of sterile The speech is unfortunately lost, but Gibbon, who heard it, told his friend Holroyd (afterwards Earl of Sheffield) that Fox, "taking the vast compass of the question before us, discovered powers for regular A detailed account of his activity from 1774 to 1782 would entail the mention of every crisis of the American War of Independence and of every serious It should be noted that the scene with Burke took place in the course of the His powers of sarcasm were a cause of terror to his adversaries, and his presence in From 1871 to 1877 he was again a member of the United States senate, in which he was prominent in He declared himself a Tory, attached himself to Harley (afterwards Lord Oxford), then speaker, whom he now addressed as "dear master," and distinguished himself by his eloquence in Most of these were primarily writers, but Justin Martyr has left a reputation for speaking, especially in The report was received so cordially in the House of Commons that Mr. Montagu was able to claim at the end of the In 1898 he was appointed financial secretary to the War Office, a post in which he distinguished himself during the Boer War, in particular by a brilliant defence, in the In modern times the controversy as to the genuineness of the document has been succeeded by a Already he had shown his capacity as a forcible and able He spoke at Concord, ' Douglas and Lincoln first met in public Prosecutions for lse-majest~ became commoner than they were in former reigns, and the difficulty was much felt in the conduct of parliamentary That the government was, in fact, at one with the League as to the expediency of pushing on the naval programme was proved by the revelations of the first lord of the admiralty, Mr McKenna, in the A second protagonist of error, this time of Gentile philosophic criticism directed against fundamental Judaism, is Apion, the notorious anti-Jewish Alexandrine grammarian of Peter's day; while the role of upholder of astrological fatalism (Genesis) is played by Faustus, father of Clement, with whom Peter and Clement There was violent antipathy between the Christain Socialists and the German Nationalists, and the transference of their quarrels from the Viennese Council Chamber to the Reichsrath was very detrimental to the orderly conduct of Cobden's argumentative speeches were regarded more sympathetically than Bright's more rhetorical appeals, and in a At a meeting of county members earlier in the day Peel had advised them not to be led into discussion by a violent speech from the member for Durham, but to let the committee be granted without The fact that the Corinthian argument failed to impress Sparta and many of the delegates is shown by the course of the As to what India derived from Greece there has been a good deal of erudite The ministry was saved by a mere accident - the expulsion of Danish agitators from North Schleswig by the German government, which evoked a passion of patriotic protest throughout Denmark, and united all parties, the war minister declaring in the Folketing, during the There exist also fine drawings for a "Lamentation over the body of Christ," an "Adoration of the Kings," and a "March to Calvary"; of the last-named composition, besides the beautiful and elaborate pen-and-ink drawing at Florence, three still more highly-wrought versions in green monochrome exist; whether any of them are certainly by the artist's own hand is matter of His wealth, astuteness, experience and tenacity of purpose, were to baffle Henry's attacks on Scottish independence, till the daggers of pietistic cut-throats closed the long A parliament (31st of August) demanded the loss of votes (fourteen) by bishops, and freedom of Literary criticism has analysed the documents, and has already established some important results; and many questions are still in They dubbed him the "philosopher," the "musician," recalled in after days his fine social disposition, his skill in playing the lute, and his ready power in Finally, the practice of rhetoric and eristic, which presently became prominent in sophistical teaching, had, or at any rate seemed to have, a mischievous effect upon conduct; and the charge of seeking, whether in exposition or in Accordingly the epideictic sophists in exposition, and the argumentative sophists in In the Constituent Assembly he took an active part in every important Hitherto the assumption of the probable as true rather than as what will be conceded in was to be judged, and if so by whom, were the subject of protracted And so far as we can draw any conclusion as to the author (or authors) of the two poems, it is that the whole This " Declaration of the Sovereign " formed the subject of heated Calhoun, in turn, introduced resolutions upholding the doctrine held by South Carolina, and it was in the The Catholic delegates, moreover, discovered a powerful auxiliary when Lainez, the general of the Jesuit order, which had been admitted into France a short time previously, entered the On the 3rd of December 1836 the territorial legislature in session at Belmont, after a protracted and acrimonious Processions of many thousands of workmen were organized, in Stockholm and in other towns of the kingdom, just before the Riksdag began the discussion on the above-mentioned bill of the government, and when the bill was introduced in the chambers a general and wellorganized strike took place and continued during the three days the The satrap is held in his position as a subjec.t by the controlling machinery of the empire, especially the Eye of the King; by the council of Persians in his province with whom he is bound to National budgets are to be discriminated (r) as budgets passing under parliamentary scrutiny and His maiden speech was delivered in April 1736, in the At length, just after the meeting of parliament in November 1751, Pitt was dismissed from office, having on the His language in approval of the resistance of the colonists was unusually bold, and perhaps no one but himself could have employed it with impunity at a time when the freedom of The uncertainty as to the literary structure of the epistle naturally renders it hazardous to infer the character of the Christians who are addressed, but it may be said that the results of the long This statement was incorporated in the bill declaring war, and although severely criticized during the Senate Much discussion has taken place about this crime, and the guilt or innocence of Mary is still a question of doubt and This was immediately before the opening in the Belgian chamber of a fresh On the 15th of April 1908 the chamber began a general Like these our author holds himself so far aloof from current It was not till the next session that he delivered his fiercest attack on Parnell in the On the 28th of August Sir Gordon Sprigg in the House of Assembly moved the adjournment of the At first the House of Commons was disposed to resent the apparent neglect with which it was treated by being asked to accept a deputy as its leader in place of a Prime Minister who washimself an M.P.

She won the debate han Sentence Examples. 4. 3 4 There is comparatively little good debating in the European sense of the term, and this is due partly to the great size of the hail, partly to the system of legislation by committees. Let me summarize our position in this debate. She considered debating with the nurse at the front desk, whose friendly grey eyes were familiar. 3.

Sir Cyril also waded into the debate about the merits of state and private schools and university entrance. In summary, we want to point out that… Let’s see which arguments are still standing.-Let’s take stock of where we are in this debate. ii., 188 7, p. 317 seq. After a There was a sitting of 22 hours and another of 41 hours, and on the 2nd of February [From Anglo-Norman Invasion] the In May 1903 there were outbreaks of rioting in Agram, Sissek and other towns, besides serious agrarian disturbances directed against the Magyarist landowners; in a As a resourceful political leader, and an adroit, ready, skilful tactician in In the session 1906 1907 the most burning subject of He was elected to Congress in 1852, where, first as a Whig and afterwards as a Republican, he represented his district continuously until 1869, taking a prominent part in Winckler on later evidence (1893) has been the subject of continued The origin and nature of the various elements that go to make up the story of the Nibelungenlied have been, and continue to be, the subject of very lively While Cynthia might have suggested some fillers, her sympathy from yesterday's You knew Fitz was screwing around with me and you didn't bring it up when he dumped all over you at the He's so pissed at me over sticking up for you at the Nothing.


Let’s end this debate.

This last hall had tribunes for the public, which often influenced the Pressure from all sides of the House, however, induced the ministry to retain office until after the But he did not fulfil the expectations which had been formed on the strength`' of his colonial reputation; he took no very prominent part in Instead, however, of proceeding with the work of practical legislation, accepting the Instrument of Government without challenge as the basis of its authority, the parliament immediately began to discuss and find fault with the constitution and to - Superficially regarded, philosophy ebbs and flows, whatever progress the In the second, which took place in the Church of St John and St Paul, and lasted three days, he undertook to refute innumerable errors in Aristotelians, mathematicians and schoolmen, to conduct his dispute either logically or by the secret doctrine of numbers, &c. According to Aldus, who attended the In the practical questions which arose, and in the great The nickname of "gentle shepherd" was given him because he bored the House by asking over and over again, during the On the 8th of June he was appointed on a committee with Jefferson, Franklin, Livingston and Sherman to draft a Declaration of Independence; and although that document was by the request of the committee written by Thomas Jefferson, it was John Adams who occupied the foremost place in the He pursued his policy of playing into the hands of the sovereign whilst keeping up the appearances of a Liberal, almost democratic, leader, skilful in In July of the same year he proceeded to the north to At the beginning of the session of 1919 he was elected vice-chairman of the party, and he took a considerable share in By taking this "Absolutely no GMOs" stance they completely remove themselves from the He told Lydia about Fitzgerald buying the vodka on the morning of the Fourth of July, denying it, and saying at the These conditions were submitted to Constantinople, and rejected after a stormy It was clear that the spiritual forces of the time were also slipping out of his grasp. My philosophical friends and I loved to debate art and music over coffee. We will debate this subject at the meeting.