“Inspection criteria grow increasingly strict,” he said.So if planes are built to last more or less indefinitely, why are they retired after just 30-odd years – or in many cases sooner?“Planes are sold, traded or mothballed not because they’ve grown old and are falling apart, but because they’ve become uneconomical to operate,” said Smith.“Aircraft are tailored to particular roles and markets, and there’s a fragile balance between whether it makes or loses money. “It’s common for a jet to remain in service for 25 years or more.”Smith claims that as planes get older they come under ever greater scrutiny. British European Airways, founded in 1946 but merged with British Overseas Airways Corporation in 1974 to create British Airways, suffered a number of fatal accidents.Another Middle Eastern carrier with an impeccable safety record, its only incident being a rather bizarre situation in which an aircraft undergoing ground testing at Toulouse Airport in France accelerated to 35mph before hitting a concrete wall, injuring nine people on board, four seriously.In a similar scenario, the accidents to befall Qatar Airways aircrafts were two fires, one in 2007 and one in 2017, where planes were written off while on the ground, the former in a hangar in Abu Dhabi, the latter at Hamad International in Doha.
Published on July 29, 2020. “We are a long way from having solved all the problems [with flying], but it is getting safer and there remains a downward trend in the per flight probability [of a crash].”We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism.We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future. Read our community guidelines in full Distribution channels: Our guests' safety is our highest priority. Distribution channels: Published on Though not a crash, it was the first in-flight fatality for the American airline, which has been flying since 1971. A statement issued online by … Source: Times of Oman Published on May 28, 2020. Published on

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The latest offers and discount codes from popular brands on Telegraph Voucher Codes Distribution channels: Furthermore, none of those fatalities involved a jet aircraft.Modern air travel remains remarkably safe.
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Over the past five years, the fatal accident rate has ranged from around one for every 7.5 million departures (2017) to one for every 1.5 million departures (2013).“[2017] was effectively a lovely statistical blip,” said David Gleave following the Cubana crash last May. Distribution channels: You need to be a subscriber to join the conversation.

Published on Here we round up some of the better-known airlines with a spotless safety record in the jet era.

Published on Distribution channels: Both Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Australia rank in the top 20 safest airlines in the world according to website AirlineRatings.com.British Airways has only had one fatal accident while operating in its current form: the mid-air collision of its Trident 3B with the aircraft of a Slovenian airline in the skies above the Croatian city of Zagreb.

According to ASN there were just 14 fatal accidents involving commercial airliners (14+ passengers), resulting in 59 deaths. This was down from 17 fatal accidents and 258 deaths in 2016. Distribution channels: It may have suffered two bankruptcies (1993 and 2003) but it has not compromised on safety. The third oldest airline in the world, Qantas was cited in 1988 film Rain Man as an airline to have never had an aircraft crash. Flying since 1995. Indeed, one aircraft was shot down.Qantas has not had a fatal accident in the jet age, however, and only a handful incidents of note.Hawaiian has been flying planes since 1929 and never once had a fatal accident, making it, if our stats stand up, the longest functioning carrier to have never lost a passenger.

Qantas never crashed,” says Raymond, played by Dustin Hoffman. Published on The company took over Gulf Air's Light Aircraft Division in 1977, before establishing Aircraft Engineering Division in the same year. Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik , has sent a cable of condolences to His Excellency President Dr. Arif Alvi, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the victims of the crashed Pakistani plane on Friday. Oman Air can trace its root back to 1970 when Oman International Services (OIS) was established.