1) Do you just work when the boss is around? It’s time to go with Jesus and get to work! I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom…for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. This is the wellspring of our decisions, character, and destiny. Rivulets then meander by degrees into larger waterways which descend into the Piedmont. Showers of Blessing — July 29 2020. that “the upright will inhabit the land…but the wicked will be cut off.” Does that square with what you see on the news? Our strategy against temptation can be summed up in three words: listen, think, and relish.
Correction from Pastor Keith: Esther 2:7 states that Esther was Mordecai’s uncle’s daughter. Play out the consequences in your head--for now and in eternity. The devil’s purpose in temptation is s..."Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; there's just something about that name. 10:00 am.

“Father God, we want the wisdom that You are.

Are you so caught up with trying to figure things out that you’ve forgotten to simply follow your Lord (3:5)? God is working...even when we face life's detours.

Tammy and I first looked under the nearby clothes rack where we’d last seen him playing amongst the garments. Trust and Obey — John 15:7-11 – July 26 2020. Gather the daily bread of God's will for this day. What was he thinkin’? How can the Devil sell you something you are content without? Let me know what the Spirit shows you then! Christ’s railroad may be bumpy at times, but His line leads to abundant life! How will your decision affect other people? Please reset your password.This account has been disabled. John 1:1-5 echoes the wise word of Proverbs: “In the beginning was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…All things were made through him…In him was life, and the life was the light of men…” Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God’s wisdom (I Corinthians 1:24,30; Colossians 2:3). In Proverbs, the word “heart” describes more than a person’s emotions.
Then I began scanning the whole store. All the money in the world can’t keep a soul from death, but righteousness in Christ buys eternal life! Forgive and keep us forgiving others. Has anyone seen him?” After a long thirty seconds, someone responded in the distance: “There he is!” This is what Christ feels for you and me. COBHAM PARK BAPTIST CHURCH: EIN: Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine digit number assigned by the IRS to identify a particular organization's account. 1:7 is highlighted in my Bible: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction (see also 9:10).” This fear is not cringing terror, but obedient reverence for the God we serve in life’s details. You can get serious about shaking off the specific sins that have been holding you back. When Wisdom speaks, consider this Christ’s word spoken directly to you.

People everywhere claim to know what they’re talking about, but they can’t all be right! We decide to follow Your Holy Spirit today in life’s details. Who He is and who you are becoming are wisdom’s beginning. 632), in Warsaw, Virginia.

Each will soon be gaining speed: two trains, two tracks, two directions, and two destinations. What is God’s wisdom in this situation? Think instead of the joy in your heart and the heaven which is getting closer all the time! Many of us pride ourselves on being hard workers, but when it comes to spiritual things, we are sluggards who need to be pushed along by events, guilt-trips, or approval-seeking. In the New Testament, we see that Christ Himself is the wisdom we need: “…Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:2b-3).” By knowing Jesus and following His lead, you can’t help but do wise things. The storm drove them into reefs near Florida’s coast, sinking the ships and drowning over a thousand souls. If so, please try restarting your browser.It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. Some of you immediately noticed statements in Proverbs 2 that don’t match up with this world’s experience. Do you see church lessons here? Please try again later.To suggest a correction or addition, visit the memorial page and click You need a Find a Grave account to add things to this site.We’ve updated the security on the site. Upcoming Events. Go to the ant! “Jesus, we hear You! Will you regret this later? Have you arrogantly forgotten that? Wisdom is gained as we honor God in the details of life. Such little decisions continue through the day. Her passenger cars may be luxurious, but that train is hurtling toward a collapsed bridge and a deep ravine.