Be clear on what purpose the dashboard needs to serve.Is it to track KPIs just one time, or on a regular basis? 1. Excel KPI Dashboard. Check out the live dashboard examples below to drill into the data and watch the chart animations come to life. Does it need to track the KPIs for the whole company or division-wise?. In what format will you get the data?

This dashboard example breaks down how long customers are taking to move through your funnel, on average. You can use this dashboard to track KPIs of various companies and then use bullet charts to deep dive into the individual company’s performance. If you have access to a database that stores the data, you can create a connection and update it indirectly.Once you have the data, you need to clean it and standardize it.In some cases, you may even need to restructure data (for example say you need to These steps would depend on the project and how your data looks in Excel.Once you have the data in Excel, you will know exactly what you can and can not use in your Excel dashboard.At this stage, it’s a good idea to circle back with your stakeholders with an outline of the Excel dashboard.As a best practice, I create a simple outline in PowerPoint along with additional notes. Sisense’s healthcare dashboard examples allow hospitals and other medical institutes to measure and compare metrics like patient satisfaction, physician allocation, ER wait times and even number of occupied beds. Dashboard Examples. These healthcare dashboard reports will help improve operational efficiency and lead to better results and smarter decisions. In today's business environment, the tendency is towards more and more data – so much so that its called Big Data. Asking the right questions would help you understand what data you need and how to design the dashboard.Always know where the data comes from and in what format. A dashboard report provides visual feedback on the performance of a business, department, project, or campaign. The purpose of this step is to make sure your stakeholder understands what kind of dashboard he/she can expect with the available data.It also helps as the stakeholder may suggest changes that would add more value to him.Here is an example of a sample outline I created for one of the KPI dashboards:Once you have the outline worked out, it’s time to start creating the Excel dashboard.As a best practice, divide your Excel workbook into three parts (these are the worksheets that I create with the same name):The first thing I do with the raw data is to convert it into an Excel Table offers many advantages that are crucial while creating an Excel dashboard.To convert tabular data into an Excel table, select the data and go to the Insert tab and click on the Table icon.Here are the benefits of using an Excel Table for your dashboard:You can create a lot of good interactive Excel dashboards by just using When you make a selection from a drop-down list, or use a scroll bar or select a checkbox, there are formulas that update based on the results and give you the updated data/view in the dashboard.Here are my top five Excel functions for Excel Dashboards:Things to keep in mind when working with formulas in an Excel Dashboard:There are many interactive tools that you can use to make your Excel dashboard dynamic and user-friendly.Charts not only make your Excel dashboard visually appealing but also make it easy to consume and interpret.Here are some tips while using charts in an Excel Dashboard:Also, if you want to get more advanced in Excel charting, I recommend you visit the blog by Excel charting expert Here are some of the things I recommend you avoid while creating an Excel dashboard. An Excel Dashboard can be an amazing tool when it comes to tracking KPIs, comparing data points, and getting data-backed views that can help management make decisions.In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an Excel dashboard, best practices to follow while creating one, features and tools you can use in Excel, things to avoid at all costs, and recommended training material.An Excel dashboard is one-pager (mostly, but not always necessary) that helps managers and business leaders in tracking key KPIs or metrics and take a decision based on it.

SaaS (Software as a Service) businesses operate in a fiercely competitive market. It contains charts/tables/views that are backed by data.A dashboard is often called a report, however, not all reports are dashboards.Now that we have an understanding of what a dashboard is, let’s dive in and learn how to create a dashboard in Excel.Creating an Excel Dashboard is a multi-step process and there are some key things you need to keep in mind when creating it.Even before you launch Excel, you need to be clear about the objectives of the dashboard.For example, if you’re creating a KPI dashboard to track financial KPIs of a company, your objective would be to show the comparison of the current period with the past period(s).Similarly, if you’re creating a dashboard for Human Resources department to track the employee training, then the objective would be to show how many employees have been trained and how many needs to be trained to reach the target.A lot of people start working on the dashboard as soon as they get their hands on the data.And in most cases, they bring upon them the misery of reworking on the dashboard as the client/stakeholder objectives are not met.Below are some of the questions you must have answered before you start building an Excel Dashboard:The first thing to do as soon as you get the data (or even before getting the data), is to get clarity on what your stakeholder wants.

Free 14-day trialIn today's business environment, the tendency is towards more and more data – so much so that its called Big Data.

A SaaS Dashboard organizes key SaaS metrics from sales, marketing, finance, support, and development teams to give executives a bird’s-eye view of the business.Build a custom dashboard to truly showcase your social media efforts. Take Our Dashboards for a Free Test Drive Explore Dashboards See how easy it is to transform your data into actionable Business Intelligence. 2) Sales Cycle Length Dashboard. Here are some cool Excel dashboard examples that you can download and play with. Dashboard App.