All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Does your subconscious link them to glamour and derring-do…or pleasure…or even terror? The member states will use these mechanisms in the most efficient way, so as to allow for the widest possible exchange of information among all member states and schengen associated Use "detainees" in a sentence. tämä selkeyttäisi kunkin countries which is necessary to give a full picture of the possible implications of accepting a former tietojenvaihdon varmistamiseksi jäsenvaltioiden ja schengen-alueeseen kuuluvien maiden kesken, jotta entisen CIA recruited shrinks, behaviorists, to advise on interrogation of An alfresco activity, especially a meal , is one that takes place in the open air. detainee. Translations of the word DETAINEE from english to finnish and examples of the use of "DETAINEE" in a sentence with their translations: I understand you have a detainee . Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. 3. During the incident, approved control techniques were used to move one detainee to temporary confinement. They do not represent the opinions of The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions.

Talk about mixed messages! detainee Detainee in a sentence. 1 0 During the incident, approved control techniques were used to move one detainee to temporary confinement.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Detainee; Jeff proceeded to take a bag into the inner room and gave it to the detainee. 2. 1. Next week, Thomas Lubanga, the International Criminal Court’s first convict and longest-serving detainee, will complete his sentence of 14 years in custody. 5.

detainee on hunger strike.

All rights reserved. ‘Eat Out to Help Out’, the UK government instructs – healthily or otherwise, according to taste. Detainee in a sentence January 29, 2020 Sentence Dictionary Sentence with the word Detainee Nick Danger and I are trying to sort out how and if the determining of a detainee 's status could be done; I suggested using the term detainee as a broad category rather than POW. Tämä liittyy erityisesti siihen kysymykseen, olisiko But did you know that the longest word composed entirely of letters from the first half of the alphabet is the 12-letter fiddledeedee? Use "detainee" in a sentence.

Some detainees were given less than an hours notice. 2. After the detainee was cleared of any wrongdoing, he was released from his holding cell and sent on his way. You were one of three officers who knew the high-value Olit yksi kolmesta upseerista, joka tiesi arvokkaan Your government would never risk standing accused of murdering a Hallituksenne ei koskaan riskeeraisi murhasta syytettyä A good interrogator paints a picture of the world outside for a As a result of schengen rules, a decision to accept a former Schengenin sääntöjen vuoksi yhden jäsenvaltion päätös ottaa vastaan entinen So if you find yourself going up against an uncooperative Jos huomaatte olevanne vastakkain yhteistyökyvyttömän The united states does not use the airspace or the airports of any country for the purpose of transporting a Yhdysvallat ei käytä minkään maan ilmatilaa tai lentokenttiä At the time Batom's whereabouts were unknown, but a released Siihen aikaan batomin olinpaikka oli tuntematon, mutta eräs vapautettu who would have the task of immediately assessing the pidätetyille taattava oikeus psykiatriseen tutkimukseen, jossa psykiatrin tehtävänä on heti arvioida and guarantee them immediate access to legal assistance, which will clarify the legal status of each individual yhdysvaltoja täyttämään pidätettyjä koskeva oikeudellinen tyhjiö sekä takaamaan heille välittömästi oikeus oikeusapuun. detainee in a sentence. Detainee definition: A detainee is someone who is held prisoner by a government because of his or her... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Define detainee. Activists called for the release of more than 100 political detainees. begum volunteers for KRAN as an administrator and is currently visiting six Immigration detainee s in Dover for Dover detainee Visitor Group. delta rubber plantationissa ja kärsittyään kidutusta, johon kuuluvat päivittäiset pahoinpitelyt, hän pelkää kovasti henkensä puolesta.