Inbreeding Systems. Inbreeding in Cattle. An inbred individual is more likely to be homozygous for any gene, so the animal is more likely to express undesirable genes, and hence, undesirable traits.

This phenomenon is well documented in all the major livestock species.

Venereal diseases in dairy production have a negative effect in delayed conceptions and loss of pregnancies through abortions and resorptions and costly veterinary interventions. Inbreeding depression is essentially the opposite effect of heterosis (hybrid vigor), which is the advantage gained from crossing lines or breeds.An increase in the inbreeding coefficient results in a change in the performance for the two traits.

Line breeding and inbreeding is a necessary practice when you start a new species or breed. Linebreeding.

•The opposite of inbreeding – hybrid vigor (heterosis) is real •Fitness traits (i.e. While inbreeding can have some advantages when used by an animal breeder; it has many negative effects on reproduction and growth and subsequently on productivity. Inbred animals have reduced mothering abilities.


The major advantage of crossbred dairy cattle is that they exhibit the strengths of all breeds from which they descend with an added advantage of heterosis. Using a bull for breeding has more disadvantages than advantages. Linebreeding is an attempt to maintain a high relationship to some outstanding ancestor while keeping inbreeding as low as possible. This change in the percent of open cows as a result of inbreeding would be in addition to the usual percentage open in a non-inbred population. Paddocking can help in separation of bulls from cows.

Each of these breeding patterns has its advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, it has been shown that it is not economical to rear a bull purely for breeding as is the case with this above farmer. This leads to a decline in average phenotypic performance called inbreeding depression. Care should be taken to keep inbreeding at a fairly low level by avoiding matings of brothers with sisters or parents with their offspring.

If an animal carries undesirable recessive genes, these genes would be expected to be brought to light by inbreeding practices.

Inbreeding is the mating of animals that are closely related (for example parents and their offsprings, full brothers and sister or half brother and sister).

Rotational crossbreeding plans, particularly with three breeds, can maintain substantial heterosis, but maintaining a rotational crossbreeding program requires careful record keeping and planning.

Linebreeding has been attempted in most breeds of cattle. Genetic and Phenotypic Effects. For example, inbreeding Holstein dairy cattle has led to increased milk production, but the cows are more difficult to breed.

fertility, calving ease, stillbirths etc.) Many wild animals naturally avoid inbreeding, but there are exceptions.
The risks, the cost of feeding and treatment make Artificial Insemination (AI) affordable as compared to bulls. Disadvantages of Inbreeding: The progeny becomes more susceptible to diseases. Continued inbreeding results in stunting which subsequently affects the productivity of livestock. Other traits in which inbreeding depression has been documented for beef cattle include percentage weaned, birth weight, pre-weaning gain, weaning weight, post-weaning gain, and final weight.All inbreeding does not result in disaster when the use of inbreeding centers on genetically superior individuals. To personalise content, tailor ads and provide best user experience, we use cookies. Advantages of Crossbreeding Better Health.

This also leads to increased production and resistance to diseases.

That is, the growth rate and mature weight would moderately decrease. The collector, dilution, shipper and inseminator all these people work as via media from the time the semen is collected and deposited into the female organ.