Sean is very, very detailed. Drew Brees Shouldn’t Have Ditched His Christian Brothers Over The Lies Of A Twitter Mob Don’t throw your fellow believers under the bus to escape persecution. You won’t escape trouble by becoming the kind of Christian who rejects the church’s historical teaching on homosexuality.

He has a sister, Audrey Brees and a brother, Reid Brees.

All you’ll do is hasten your demise.Recently, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, a self-identified Christian who frequently speaks about his faith, filmed a promotion for “Shortly thereafter, the ever-predictable gaggle of anti-Christian rage geese began lashing out at Brees for associating himself with the supposedly “Drew Brees Created a PSA Video for an Anti-Gay Religious Cult That Believes in Conversion Therapy & Fights Against Any Anti-Discrimination Laws; Wants Kids to Bring Bible to School to Convert Other Kids (Vid) Brees quickly released a video seeking to clarify his position on the issue.

The gemstone is his salvation. His grandfather fought in the Battle of Okinawa. Dismiss him from his post guarding the gem, and my army will leave you alone.”The oldest brother always found his youngest sibling a bit irritating and embarrassing, so he considered this a no-brainer and immediately gave the enemy what he asked. To think that someone whose better known creation is a comic called "Strange Planet" wouldn't understand the necessity of questioning his own beliefs is… more than disappointing.It’s understandable that Brees, Pratt, and Pyle were fooled by the devil’s trick. Hollywood stylist dishes on the worst stars to work withScientists tested 14 types of masks — here are the ones that worked and...NASA to remove offensive names from planets and other heavenly bodiesNYC Councilman credits controversial drug for COVID-19 recoveryNYC moms fleeing Upper Wild West Side amid spike in crime and chaos And the moral of the story is this: No matter what they say, the devil and this world won’t be content until they’ve taken Christ’s salvation away from you. We've received your submission. Likewise, I hope the next time the enemy approaches, he doesn’t abandon another group of Christians to gain the favor of a sinful world that will never give an ounce of its love to those who have received the sinlessness of Christ.The next time the enemy asks Drew Brees to sacrifice one of his gemstone-guarding brothers, I hope the former MVP doesn’t fall for the trick. But in the meantime, I am happy to have them as a faithful ally on issues of human sexuality.So to speak in their defense, it’s worth noting that Focus on the Family is not an “anti-gay” organization, despite the histrionics of secular torch-wielders. Considered one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, Brees was drafted by the San Diego Chargers in 2001 and played for the team until signing onto the New Orleans Saints, his current team, as a free agent in 2006 following a shoulder injury. I pray God will one day make our sad divisions cease. It does not preach hatred or rejection of people who identify as LGBT, nor does it support cruel or unusual methods of dehomosexualizing people. He will try to convince you the gem is not really yours or you don’t really need it. The king is Christ. The Super Bowl winner, who originally hails from Austin, recently spoke with The Times-Picayune about losing his role model. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Meaningful January football is upon us, which means it is... His tone is always abrasive and arrogant when he talks about protecting it. Thanks for contacting us. Whether he meant to or not, Brees has made himself a MAGA hero to the anti-Kaepernick crowd as America writhes in torment over the very issues that cost Kaep his career. He will threaten you with violence.