Please enter a valid email address. Due to crash landing of the flight, it may affect the network but Vande Bharat Mission continues," it said.Consul General of India in Dubai, Dr. Aman Puri told Gulf News that the flight carried 128 male passengers, 46 female passengers and 10 infants.“Our deepest condolences to the families of who have been injured. On May 22, 2010, Air India Express Flight 812 from Dubai to Mangalore had crashed during landing. The front seats were occupied mostly by families. Relatives of passengers onboard Air India Express Flight (IX 1344) that crashed at Karipur International Airport, can contact the following Helpline Number for enquiries: 0495 - 2376901, the Kozhikode Collector was quoted as saying by ANI Relevant authorities will be releasing more information from India.”Health Minister KK Shailaja meanwhile was quoted as saying to Manorama: "Patients in serious condition being admitted to MIMs hospital and Kozhikode Medical College, a mother and child have been admitted at the Medical College hospital -critical state. macro_action: article, "We must remember that it is a tabletop runway at Kozhikode. Get the latest news around the world in your inbox, so you dont miss out on the action. ©2020 Galadari Printing and Publishing LLC.

THREE Brits and a South African have been killed after a plane crashed nearby Dubai Airport. It is not the first time that the competition will be held outside... All other travel requirements remain the same, a PIA official said. These cookies are used to improve your experience and provide more personalized service to you. We are also sorry that this is the second tragedy in Kerala today,” he said, referring to the landslide in Idukki.Puri said all the four helplines of the consulate will be available 24 hours to answer any queries and provide information to the family members of the passengers.The Consulate in Dubai also tweeted later in the evening: "Consulate will be open tomorrow Saturday August 8 at 8 AM to assist all who want any assistance to travel to Kerala or any information related to aircrash incident. © Al Nisr Publishing LLC 2020. Air India Express Dubai-Kozhikode IX-1344 flight, carrying 190 people on board from Dubai under the Vande Bharat Mission, skidded off the runway at Karipur airport at around 7:40 pm on Friday. We can confirm that the flight took off at 1:45pm and it had 128 male passengers, 46 female passengers and 10 infants.”“We are very sorry about the accident involving our citizens flying home on a repatriation flight. The Air India Express flight was part of the Vande Bharat mission © Al Nisr Publishing LLC 2020. Save and invest wisely to make your money work for you. Official helplines have been launched in India and the UAE. "Visibility was 2000 meters at the time of landing. Very lucky the aircraft didn’t catch fire. Captain Deepak Vasant Sathe was an Indian Air Force veteran who retired in June 2003 as Wing Commander before joining Air India.His co-pilot has also passed away, reported AsiaNet.16 people hasve been admitted in Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode.A survivor of the crash was quoted by Malayalam channel Janam TV as saying that after the flight landed and skid off the runway, it went on for a few minutes, the front portion of the plane crashed. "We regret that there has been an incident regarding our aircraft VT GHK, operating IX 1344 DXB CCJ. Yasin said three people who were rushed to the hospital have been declared dead, including the pilot and co-pilot while seven are in critical situation and 15 are in stable condition.“Doctors are evaluating the condition of the other patients,” said Yasin, adding “Most of the passengers sustained burns, fractures and head injuries.”The pilot, captain Dipak Vasant Sathe, has died, said Air India. macro_adspot:

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google The Dubai-Kerala Air India Express flight was part of Vande Bharat repatriation missionDubai: An Air India Express flight from Dubai skidded off the runway at its destination Karipur Airport, Kozhikode, in the south Indian state of Kerala on Friday, and broke into two. All passengers evacuated. ""Dubai-Kozhikode Air India flight (IX-1344) skidded during landing at Karipur Airport at around 7.45 pm today," a spokesperson for Kondotty Police was quoted as saying by ANI. "The rescue mission took longer than expected because of fuel leak," Mallappuram Collector K Gopalakrishnan told media.Late on Friday, the Indian Consulate in Dubai tweeted: "Consulate will be open tomorrow (Saturday August 8) at 8am to assist all who want any assistance to travel to Kerala or any information related to aircrash incident.