According to the group, between April and May 2020, visitation at Arizona’s state parks increased by 45 percent, compared to a 15 percent decrease during the same period last year. Clean water to drink and clean air to breathe; healthy lakes and rivers that are safe for swimming and fishing; preserved open spaces; clean sources of energy that don’t pollute and never run out — all this should be the heritage we leave to future generations. UArizona is dedicated to developing and applying big data analytics, informatics networks, computer models and remote sensing systems within and across regions, disciplines and research contexts.

Conservation America Campaign, Associate. But too often, it's not.The proposal would have undermined state policies that promote solar power.We’re working to harness our wealth, technology and imagination to make our communities and our country greener and healthier places to live for all of us.The Great American Outdoors Act "is not only a major investment in outdoor spaces but also in every American’s physical and mental health. A tragedy that we swore would never happen again, is happening right now. Clean water to drink and clean air to breathe; healthy lakes and rivers that are safe for swimming and fishing; preserved open spaces; clean sources of energy that don’t pollute and never run out — all this should be the heritage we leave to future generations. With dozens of environment-related degrees and clubs to choose from, the University of Arizona can set you on a path of real-world, hands-on experience that will prepare you for … Will the lesson of the American Bison be enough to save the Caribou? That’s why we’ve partnered with the Fund for the Public Interest to hire college students, graduates, and activists across the state to go out into communities to talk with citizens about the issues, raise money, and build membership for Environment Arizona. We’ll keep advocating on your behalf — at a safe social distance — for clean air, clean water, clean energy, wildlife and open spaces, and a livable climate.Environment Arizona is part of The Public Interest Network, which operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to getting things done. Environment Arizona Research & Policy Center gratefully accept bequests, beneficiary designations of IRAs and life insurance, and gifts of securities to support our work.

By taking simple steps at home, the average Arizonan can take control of their energy use, reducing emissions and decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels. Across the country, our environment faces some tough challenges.

But we know what we need to win--citizen support and grassroots action. Your gift will assure that we can continue to protect Arizona’s air, water and open spaces.Environment Arizona gratefully accepts bequests, beneficiary designations of IRAs and life insurance, and gifts of securities to support our work. The environmental issues we face today demand to be met with a combination of discovery and drive. The public wants to know why.President Trump just signed the Great American Outdoors Act, which fully funds the Land and Water Conservation Fund.If it's safe to go to the beach, it should be safe to go swimming. Your gift will assure that we can continue to protect Arizona's air, water and open spaces for future generations.Environment Arizona Research & Policy Center is part of The Public Interest Network, which operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to getting things done. Our staff research the issues, educate the public, and win tangible results.In 2011, we informed thousands of Arizonans about ways to use less energy, save fuel and save money. Ian Corbet. "With today’s passage of this bill, we’re one step away from putting a lock and key on funding that has always been intended for conservation projects -- yet consistently diverted to other purposes. "Despite the critically important role the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has played in protecting the environment, the Trump Administration today rolled back the key regulatory policy.In our emails, sent once or twice a week, you'll receive: Visit the website of Environment Arizona Research & Policy Center, our sister 501(c)(3) organization.Our work to defend the environment can’t stop and won’t stop in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Environment Arizona Research & Policy Center. Tell Congress to defend the places we love against the president's unlawful attack on the National Environmental Policy ActTrump administration officials passed up an opportunity to ensure cleaner air for millions of Americans. It’s a decisive step toward acknowledging that our lives are made richer if surrounded by more nature, more open spaces, whether it’s a local park or the Grand Canyon." For what would become the nation’s most effective conservation and recreation law, it was an awkward beginning. We’re closer to adopting a new consciousness for today’s world, that our lives are made richer if surrounded by more nature, rather than more extracted resources. Informatics, artificial intelligence and big data play a crucial role in 21st century environmental research. 2/27/2020 | by . A new fact sheet released by Environment Arizona Research & Policy Center shows Arizonans have been flocking to the outdoors in significant numbers in recent months.

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