. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially the fundamental, individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, advance individual liberty, and restore freedom. The FBI and the ATF refused to comply and now the “remedy” is sitting on the judges desk for 6 months.

Gotta get the plug in somewhere I guess.The justice dept did not appeal and the FBI will still not comply…and are so far getting away with it. ...has been the subject of at least one determined attempt to portray him as a liberal. !It’s good to get some good news at this point in time, considering the raging dumpster fire at NRA HQ.THIS IS WHAT THE NRA SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING ALL ALONG.E.

Saying “We don’t have the personnel,” is not an acceptable excuse for withholding fundamental rights. About Firearms Policy Coalition. “This ruling underscores that due process has been and remains a cornerstone of our Republic.”“We are thrilled with yet another victory for human rights and individual liberty,” said FPC President Brandon Combs. The Firearms Policy Coalition is actually made up of groups that have tangled in opposition to the NRA-ILA (the lobbying wing of the NRA) numerous times. ALAN GURA knew how opposed the NRA was to this lawsuit, so he was shocked that he hadn’t heard anything from the NRA people after filing the complaint. “We are thankful for this ruling that vindicates our client’s rights and remedies this serious constitutional violation.

The Nevada Firearms Coalition is a membership organization of firearms owners, supporters, users, public and private gun clubs and commercial shooting sports enterprises who are interested in promoting and protecting the ownership and safe use of firearms for self-defense, competition, recreation and hunting.

Pennsylvania Federal District Court- this is the trial ct level. @ahh, I wrote, “… a supposedly pro gun administration.”And the case being discussed had nothing to do with the NRA in the first place. “We look forward to continuing our work of supporting challenges to government infringements, participating in litigation, and providing briefing for important cases throughout the country.”Firearms Policy Coalition (www.firearmspolicy.org) is a 501(c)4 grassroots nonprofit organization. Gura is a rock star around here. may be enough to justify an involuntary examination and treatment, the nature of [] its non-adversarial ex parte procedure without notice, or opportunity to present evidence, does not constitute an ‘adjudication’ under Section 922(g)(4); nor does Section 302’s 120-hour maximum ‘involuntary emergency examination and treatment’ constitute a ‘commitment to a mental institution’ under Section 922(g)(4).”Ex parte proceedings, where usually only one side is present or heard by a court, are a major issue in the current nationwide debate over so-called “red flag” laws.The court ruling continued, “Mr. As a leader in this field, CSGV stands up to the insurrectionist ideals of the NRA and Donald Trump through aggressive social media campaigns, earned media, policy development, and advocacy.
I hope that this ruling will cause governments at all levels to reassess their laws and proposal to ensure that all people are provided with real due process of law.”“We are delighted that the Court reached this common-sense decision to protect the fundamental human rights of Pennsylvania gun owners and future gun owners,” said Kraut.

CSGV is leading the charge against the NRA and Donald Trump’s dangerous, twisted interpretation of …

Oh I forgot, they are too busy fighting within themselves and their suppliers.Nothing has been done! They can eat shit. Together with our more than five million members, we’re proud defenders of history’s patriots and diligent protectors of the Second Amendment. Contributions to FPC go directly to the front lines of constitutional advocacy and support important programs including litigation and legal action, direct advocacy, grassroots activism, research, education, and outreach. And not unimportantly, the FPC does not (AFAIK) have a statutory rapist/poacher for a BTW-the sheriffs in the old wild wild west banned all guns in the streets of their towns. Section 922(g)(4) because Mr. Wilborn was never ‘adjudicated as a mental defective’ or ‘committed to a mental institution.’” Thus, it says, the Court finds “that the ex parte decision by a single physician following a Section 302 examination is insufficient to meet the requirements to permanently prohibit Mr. Wilborn from legally acquiring, possessing, or using a firearm under 18 U.S.C. They say we are governed by the rule of law….please explain to me!Any win is a good win. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Wilborn’s brief involuntary emergency examination and treatment under Section 302 of the MHPA does not trigger [18 U.S.C.]