I remember some of the chaos afterwards in the airport but then the next thing I remember is standing at the foot of my driveway later that morning on that beautiful day and telling the other neighbourhood kids what I had just seen. Air-Canada ne nous avait pas téléphoné car il y a eut une méprise sur son nom, un autre passager du nom de Gilles Raymond est monté à bord à la dernière minute et n'avait pas inscrit le nom de ce jeune homme sur la liste. Cheyne Cemetery. Harrison United Cemetery. God Bless those making the effort to remember. We were dispatched to a report of  a“small plane” gone down!
That ghoulish behavior has stayed with me all these years. This horrific loss has had an impact for 50 years, and it will go on to have an impact for many years to come. We immediately packed up and headed home. Funny, kind Dad. If you are looking to give feedback on our new site, please send it along to To view this site properly, enable cookies in your browser. The crash of flight 621 was the first item on the news that morning and as I drove along the 401, past Brampton and the airport, I couldn't bare to think of all the devastated families that were going through the same horror that we had experienced less than 7 years before. - Thank you for the online ceremony to commemorate the tragic event related to the Flight 621. I was a young Constable with only 16 months service when I was sent to work at this scene and was not prepared to witness what lay before me. - TonyJe me souviens encore de ce dimanche matin où nous déjeunions tranquillement en famille lorsque le téléphone a sonné. I saw a plane above that looked like it was shooting off fireworks. This was no small plane! - Mary VenezianoI was just 25 years old when my wife Celia and my two young children died in the crash. This destroys any remaining lift and helps the aircraft slow down.The pilots made an agreement that, when the captain was piloting the aircraft, the first officer would deploy the spoilers on the ground as the captain preferred, and when the first officer was piloting the aircraft, the captain would arm them on the flare as the co-pilot preferred.In this particular instance, the captain was piloting the landing and said, "All right.
Six seconds after this explosion, another explosion occurred in the area of the number three engine, causing the pylon and engine to both break off and fall to the ground in flames. "While I can only speak for myself, I think we can all agree that Air Canada dropped the ball on this one in a huge way. Condolences too to the family whose farm where the plane crashed. Proud to live in Brampton​. I wholeheartedly support the role the City took on in creating and maintaining the memorial. They would have had to serve a hot breakfast, coffee/tea , by hand to 100 passengers, in under 60 minutes, with everything safely put away for landing. God bless all those who perished and my deepest condolences to all the families they left behind. The image of that plane going down will be with me forever. My condolences and sympathies to all of those who lost loved ones that day. I remember a beautiful summer morning my husband and I and our two Children were heading to Albion Hills for the day when the bulletin came on the radio. - Barry Wright ​I was 6 the time and lived a couple farms from the crash. It made such an impression on me being so far from home that I have never forgotten. We first met during the summer of 1965 at a resort in the Catskills in upstate New York. In November 1963, another DC-8 of A board of inquiry was established to investigate the crash. We were married in Montreal in 1967. 109 marker stones and a memorial garden are dedicated to this memorial. Somehow I was able to make some really good choices and I am grateful to say that I’ve had a wonderful life, considering the challenges I was faced with after losing pretty much everything at age 13. The plane dug a The crash occurred in a farm field located near what is now Castlemore Road and McVean Drive in This was the first Air Canada accident involving fatalities and the first hull loss of a DC-8-63 version of a DC-8. I remember the last concert at the Valleyfield chalet the day before the departure of your father and Serge! - Lucie RobichaudGordie Hill was our neighbour.