Read More. Then all players perform each of the following steps simultaneously. Steampunk Rally is a strategy game that incorporates steampunk as more than just a bit of chrome. one die by 2 pips, or two dice by 1 pip each).Certain Boost cards are only playable during the Vent Phase. Steampunk Rally Fusion. Through extensive research, we bring everything you need to know about board games.Our mission is to produce engaging articles like reviews, tips and tricks, game rules, strategies, etc. DISCOVER MORE Latest NEWS. It is the turn of the 20th century, a renaissance of steam, steel and the mysterious power of Electricity!

Each round players draw four cards and pick one to either add to their machine or trade in for dice or cogs to use during a race (movement) phase. The player furthest past the Finish Line after the final round is declared the winner! Machine Parts that you are unable to properly connect back to your Inventor Cockpit are discarded.At any time, you may discard unwanted Machine Parts from your Invention.All dice occupying Die Slots on discarded Machine Parts are also discarded.You do not Generate Power (dice) or Gain Cogs for discarding Machine Parts previously attached to your Invention.If you discard your Inventor Machine Part return the card to the game box, not a discard pile.Your Inventor Cockpit may not be discarded for any reason.All Machine Parts must be placed so that the cards name appears in the upper-left corner.Machine Parts with a background image of the ground may be freely connected like any other Machine Part, and are are not restricted in placement.Boost cards feature a Black border and can be played at any time from your Stash to generate the Race Effects and Boost Effects described on the card.Boost cards may be played at any time during any Phase, unless otherwise specified by the card.After a Boost card is resolved, immediately discard it to its appropriate pile.Some Boost cards create an effect that remains in play for the duration of the current Phase or round. This stand-alone expansion to Steampunk Rally will have you powering up your machines like never before as you race across all new tracks with all new inventors!

You will be rolling and placing dice on your Invention to generate Motion, gain more dice, prevent & repair damage, and discard used dice.Improve the efficiency of your Invention by adding Machine Parts. This is not - optional, you must resolve all generated Race Effects.Inventor Cockpits and Machine Parts that contain the If you do choose to flip your Light Bulb token, you must resolve all During the Damage Phase, damage you accumulated during the round may cause you to lose Machine Parts from your Invention.Santos-Dumont loses one Machine Part and resets his Damage Gauge to 0.Whenever you would be forced to discard your Inventor Cockpit, your Invention violently explodes. Finally! A new round now begins, starting with the Draft Phase.At all times, your Invention must adhere to the following rules:All Machine Parts in your Invention must always connect to your Inventor Cockpit through a chain of complete valve connections.It is legal for two adjacent Machine Parts to share borders where only one of those cards has a valve (as long as (1) is followed for both Machine Parts).At any time, you may freely rearrange any/all of the Machine Parts in your Invention, including your Inventor Cockpit. Tue, Mar 31, 20 Website: Hatched! Do not proceed until all players are ready.During the Vent Phase, you may spend any number of Cogs to reduce the pip values of dice that currently occupy Die Slots on your Invention.Each Cog you discard allows you to reduce the value of your dice by a total of up to 2 pips (e.g. If your Invention explodes, you must:Move your Inventor Pawn to the space behind the player in last place Santos-Dumont's Invention explodes during the Damage Phase because his Damage Gauge (-3)) Santos-Dumont moves into last place, resets his Damage Gauge to 0, and discards all Machine Parts except his Inventor Cockpit.After all players complete the Damage Phase, the round is over.