22nd July 2020 U.S. Congress approved $82M to begin the Apache B upgrade. More funding changed the plan to upgrade to AH-64C. 2-31 to 2-36. Boeing is to assemble nine more MH-47G Block II Chinook  helicopters for US Army Special Operations Aviation Command (USASOAC), under a $265 million contract. The upgrade would have included new rotor blades, a Global Positioning System (GPS), improved navigation systems and new radios. The radar dome uses millimeter radio waves that can make out the shape of anything in range. The The AH-64 was designed to perform in front-line environments, and to operate at night or day and during adverse weather conditions.In 2014, it was announced that new targeting and surveillance sensors were under development to provide high-resolution color imagery to crews, replacing older low definition black-and-white imaging systems.The AH-64 is adaptable to numerous different roles within its context as Boeing has suggested that the AH-64 could be fitted with a On 14 July 2016, it was reported that the AH-64 had successfully completed testing of the In January 1984, the U.S. Army formally accepted its first production AH-64A and training of the first pilots began later that year.Upon fielding the Apache, capabilities such as the FLIR's use in extensive night operations made it clear that it was capable of operating beyond the forward line of own troops (FLOT) to which previous attack helicopters were normally restricted.The AH-64 played roles in the Balkans during separate conflicts in In 2000, Major General Dick Cody, 101st Airborne's commanding officer, wrote a strongly worded memo to the Chief of Staff about training and equipment failures.In 2003, the AH-64 participated in the invasion of Iraq during By the end of U.S. military operations in Iraq in December 2011, several Apaches had been shot down by enemy fire and lost in accidents. However, the C designation was dropped after 1993.Formerly known as AH-64D Block III, in 2012, it was redesignated as In 2014, Boeing conceptualized an Apache upgrade prior to the introduction of the U.S. Army's anticipated attack version of the Funding for a naval version was not provided; the Marine Corps continued to use the Several models have been derived from both AH-64A and AH-64D for export. 13th July 2020 To ... Lockheed Martin is to produce and deliver 39 AN/AQS-22 Airborne Low Frequency Sonars (ALFS) to the USN and FMS customers, for integration into MH-60R Seahawk multi-mission ... Additional funding from Congress in late 1991 resulted in a program to upgrade AH-64As to an AH-64B+ version. 24th July 2020 5th August 2020 Longbow is a joint venture of Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin. 3rd August 2020 The competition to provide a new rotary-wing fleet for Australian SOF will include a bid led by Airbus Helicopters. It has also become the primary attack helicopter of multiple nations, including The AH-64A then entered phase 2 of the AAH program under which three pre-production AH-64s would be built, additionally, the two YAH-64A flight prototypes and the ground test unit were upgraded to the same standard.In 1981, three pre-production AH-64As were handed over to the U.S. Army for Operational Test II. The geofenced VSR700 performed a ten-minute ... The U.S. Army is the primary operator of the AH-64. 30th July 2020 The C upgrade would include all changes to be included in the Longbow except for mast-mounted radar and newer −700C engine versions. Martlet ... Longbow delivers 500th APG-78 radar for Apache 30th June 2020 Longbow, a JV between Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, recently delivered its 500th APG-78 fire control radar for the AH-64 Apache helicopter. Having disbanded the 2nd Commando Company of Special Forces Command (KSK) without replacing it, the German Army is evaluating how to redistribute the unit’s equipment ... It is compatible with the digitized battlefield of the 21st century. On 11 July 2016, the Ministry of Defence confirmed a U.S. Foreign Military Sale worth $2.3 billion for 50 AH-64Es to be built in Mesa, Arizona. The first Apache Longbow was delivered in April 1997 to the US Army.