A very rich coming of age story of a pretty complex character in 16 year old Mary Swan.

Her adolescence is marked by the tragic loss of her mother in a plane crash that takes the lives of many of Atlanta's finest citizens.

by Bethany House Publishers More in History & Archaeology. In 2001, a prominent Atlanta author, Ann Uhry Abrams, wrote "Explosion at Orly".

Of the 132, only two survived; both flight attendants seated in the rear of the plane.

The civil rights movement is meant to be a main part of the story, and the main character awakens to racial hatred in her community. It makes me want to drive over to Buckhead and see the houses over there, especially the Swan House. Dobbs is working as a janitor at a nightclub after curiously leaving home and his mother after not being accepted as one of the black students matriculated into Atlanta’s all-white public schools.Dobbs views the chauffeur job as a privilege and accepts with one telling phrase.

United Kingdom

It truly helped me spiritually and taught me about racism and about kindness towards others. He was so sweet. Highly recommended!

Some minor errors, but on the whole, this is an accurate and tellingf account of one of the most devastating of airplane tragedies. I imagined this story to be about an old, possibly deserted mansion with secrets to hide. ann uhry was a childhood friend, and i stumbled across this book serendipitously.

Coleman, who loses both parents and then inherits even more wealth, including an infamous Gauguin painting, Tucker is a prince.

I can honestly say this is one of the best books I have read in a while!Absolutely wonderful book!!

Highly recommend to anyone who likThis story made me laugh and it made me cry. Only two people out of 132 would walk away from that crash. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of

She covered the people who were on board and the affect on Atlanta in the years after. “My father was 20 when the plane went down. Web. “She used to record herself before any flight, like a last will and testament. It is very well written and I really loved learning more about the people who lost their lives on this tragic crash. “I grew up thinking that we had a lot more money than we did,” she said.

Two Destinies, the final novel in The Secrets of the Cross trilogy, was a finalist for the 2013 Christy Award.

Following the death of her beloved stepfather, she says, she “made a very deliberate effort in my late 20s to stop being an introvert.”“I hope that it invites readers to ask themselves questions,” she said. Did it sound like it was from a 16 y.o.

The idea of “extreme change and sudden loss,” she said, “has been an interest of mine since my very first novel. I don't think she really captured it, but she did well enough to keep me sitting in for a very long book. This is the kind of book that is alive, where you believe the story began before you ever opened the book and keeps on going long after you finished reading it. Vivid descriptions about the place, time, and people brought the story alive in my imagination. Philippa Gregory is best known for reimagining the lives of famous royal women in bestselling novels, including The Other Boleyn...Mary Swan Middleton has always taken for granted the advantages of her family's wealth.

Is it a tragedy that affected the city? The story is set in the South during the 1960s. I’m ready to visit Atlanta now and see the swan house!The Swan House has a title and a cover that drew me in.

I loved the story of Mary Swan and the her self discovery in God.

It’s not just Atlanta, though; the disconnect between what people have, and how they have it, and privileges being reconsidered … That’s something that I’m seeing now everywhere. Lily and Dobbs emerge the novel’s most likable characters.

I have to say I learned more about the history of Atlanta and the origins and histories of so many of the famous landmarks, than I have learned on my own in the 25 years of living in the Atlanta area.