If they do drift out due to sudden external temperature changes (unlikely), simply hold the preset button and 0 to run the calibration procedure.Unlike the P5, each oscillator now has a continuously variable waveshape from triangle through to square/variable pulse (much like current Moogs) enabling a wider range of tones than the P5's hardwired (though simultaneously available) waveforms. In Multi, Split, or Stack mode, each patch is allocated four of the eight voices.Four voices are allocated to layer A and four to layer B.Yes, two Prophets (keyboards and/or modules) can be poly chained for 16-voice operation. The P6 arrived in a rather boring brown cardboard box but, once out of its temporary home, the P6 revealed itself to be a thing of beauty with its walnut end pieces and trim - it certainly looks like a legit Prophet-5 successor.One important thing to note is the Sequential badge. That is, it can play two patches simultaneously via MIDI in Multi mode (on two MIDI channels) or from the keyboard in Split or Stack mode. We should also mention that unlike the P5 (which had no velocity or aftertouch) you can send velocity to both the filters and amp too which is a big improvement.When you then add in the 64-step polyphonic MIDI (and audio) syncable sequencer, the great-sounding digital effects, MIDI control over most parameters, USB-MIDI communication, alternative tunings and above all that killer sound, the P6 is surely destined to be a future-classic.Thankfully, there are very few downsides to report and, although an audio input and CV ins/outs would have been nice, the P6 certainly carries forward the torch of its vintage predecessor admirably.Obviously, as a premium self-contained discrete VCO/ VCF polysynth it's not cheap, sitting just below the flagship P12 price-wise (and feature-wise it's more streamlined than the P08, Pro 2 or P12); nonetheless, it's surprisingly versatile and sounds a million dollars - we think for most of us, that's the bottom line!Don't miss the latest deals, news, reviews, features and tutorialsThank you for signing up to Musicradar. You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. But then, the other Prophet models weren’t a Prophet-5, either. (Yes, we have tried. We’ve been making synths with DCOs since 2001 and we think they sound darn good. These all feel sturdy and should stand up to long-term abuse on and off stage. There's also a digital white noise source too.Sonically, the P6 is to our ears the most authentically vintage-sounding DSI polysynth to date and it sounds nicely different to the P08, Pro 2 and P12 - it has a very wide sweet spot and it's pretty hard to get it to sound bad! This is very much a 'use your ears not your eyes' board and we really welcome the lack of visual distractions which keeps you focused on the sound.However, the basic three-digit LED display means there's no patch naming and you have to remember your sound by number (much like a Nord Lead 4), though an editor is available from SoundTower for a modest outlay which will help you organise, name and dissect patches.Finally, 'live panel' mode is accessed by turning off the 'preset' button. Most of you will know that before Dave Smith Instruments, there was Sequential Circuits which produced classic analogues such as the Prophet-5, T8 and Pro 1 (among others).In 1987, Sequential was sold to Yamaha and no more Sequential branded products were made and, up until a few months back, Yamaha still owned the Sequential name. For soloing and most two-handed duties, four octaves is fine and we've never had an issue soloing on our Moog Voyager which is only three and a half octaves. One great thing is that the voice cards in the P6 are all in separate sockets and can be removed easily down the line for replacement/service if necessary - a clever move by DSI which should help ensure the future longevity of the instrument.The top panel is laid out clearly in a P5-style with the graphics silkscreened directly onto the panel and the switches are a mixture of later-style DSI push buttons and P5-type selectors with LEDs. The most obvious difference is that the Evolvers are analog/digital hybrids. "To say we were a little excited about trying the P6 is something of an understatement; in fact it had us drooling in anticipation!" Check out the spec on the product page, download the manual and, if you get a chance, play a Prophet ’08.15-volt power supply for legacy products including Prophet ’08 keyboard and desktop, Tetra, Mopho series and Evolver series. We hope the bank and 'tens' buttons become operational as patch up/down buttons (they are already labelled as 'increment/ decrement') which will speed up patch selection greatly.At the top left is the P5's famous 'polymod' section which has now been augmented to address the additional high-pass filter (the P5 had just a low-pass) plus there's an additional dial labelled 'shape' which modulates the waveshape of Oscillator 1 for adding movement to sounds. With real analog oscillators, famed Curtis low-pass filters, and analog VCAs, the Prophet ’08 is capable of reproducing the familiar sounds of its legendary predecessors. Food for thought!Feel-wise, the semi-weighted synth-action keyboard is massively playable and buttery - it's perfectly balanced for playing fast and accurately. The filters use the same design as the Curtis chips in the older synths (with the addition of a 2-pole mode). And if you like tuning drift, that’s what the Oscillator Slop parameter is for!It is bitimbral. Both layers can be played simultaneously in stacked or split keyboard mode with each layer routed to its own stereo output. )There are a few programs in the Prophet ’08 that duplicate the old programs, but most of them are new.Actually, none of our current keyboard instruments uses the exact same keyboard. Bath It is possible to duplicate many of the Prophet-5’s factory sounds on the Prophet ’08 to such a degree that they are indistinguishable in a blind test. The 'initial amount' dial controls the amount of LFO modulation sent to these destinations and when set to 0, the LFO modulation is controlled by the modwheel, with the amount of modulation dictated by the mod wheel's position.Now the sound! In addition to the two analog oscillators, the Evolvers have two digital wavetable oscillators. Dave has gone back to discrete VCOs, VCFs and VCAs for the P6 and they really sound excellent with that vintage vibe!The two newly designed oscillators are pretty much dead on pitch from the word go and stay solidly in tune (as you'd expect).