Enter with a mindset for conversation, not debate.Press J to jump to the feed. Had Brooks survived and not run from the police, it's unclear what he would even have been charged with -- it wasn't a DUI, since he wasn't operating the vehicle, and it's hard to prove he was drunk when he arrived at the Wendy's.When Officers Rolfe and Brosnan first confronted Brooks, Brooks offered to walk to his sister's house nearby. Maybe not murder, but misconduct of some sort.They should have left the drunk driving, cop-assaulter to run off with the stolen taser? and focus on the debate over this case...I’m a black woman, who is very pro-black, and I agree that this shooting was justified. Brooks was armed with the Taser he had stolen from Brosnan. I submit that this is not the case. Excessive force would be the highest I would go though, because a tazer is classified as a deadly weapon in Georgia law, and you have the right to defend yourself, police or civilian. Dak Deal was almost done, ran out of time, Tad Prescott mad - … Add on top of that the healthy fear that all Black Americans hold for the police,And here's the problem with BLM, brainwashing black people to think police are actively trying to kill them its all one big leftist media propaganda machine.
the police calmly and nicely tried to hand cuff him after telling him he has a DUI . Delta(s) from OP. Again, both officers were polite and confronted Brooks in a non-hostile manner. He only started to panic when the police handcuffed him. Equally, the cops are responsible for their actions. At this point, the death of George Floyd was likely fresh in his mind. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He could have chosen not to do any one of these actions, and he would not have been shot.The officer should receive punishment for certain.

“It hurts, and I feel something should be done.”Rolfe’s bond order states that he is only allowed to leave his metro Atlanta home for medical appointments, to meet with attorneys or for job-related issues, Howard said in the motion.“Thus, [the] defendant has clearly shown that he will not abide by the conditions of bond imposed by the court,” Howard’s motion reads.The former cop’s attorney declined to comment, the newspaper reports. Published July 2nd. 8:00. should pick one standard and stick with it).I very much doubt whether the DA's extrajudicial statements about this - regarding another case - would be admissible evidence in this case. Thanks for contacting us. There is no systemic rasicm in America today.the decision to escalate the situation was made by the police officer.Simply not true, how can you clearly see video evidence of someone punching a police officer and taking his weapon and still say this? Do you want the consequences for all DUI cases to only be that the cops let you walk home and they tow your car?Most of your points are a combination of misinformation, naivety, and hindsight. He is pulled over by the police. If it's clear that someone has been operating a vehicle while drunk, either there should be consequences or not. I don’t see how it could possibly be any more clear cut as justified, unless the tazer had been an actual gun.I may want less police, more accountability, and no police unions, but even I fucking recognize fighting the cops is a braindead move.Rayshard Brooks absolutely could have taken responsibility for his actions, and was a huge idiot, by far the person most responsible for his own demise. Under Maybe there's details I'm missing. While Brooks did not deserve to die, I honestly do not know what he was thinking pointing and firing a taser at a police officer.All comments that earned deltas (from OP or other users) are listed Please note that a change of view doesn't necessarily mean a reversal, or that the conversation has ended.To say that the shooting was justified, you would have to argue that the police were justified in intervening when Brooks's only offense was sleeping in a commercial parking lot.