[query] => https://pubstack.nw18.com/pubsync/v1/api/videos/recommended?source=n18english&channels=5d95e6c378c2f2492e2148a2,5d96f75717e7dc127af3343a&categories=5d95e6d7340a9e4981b2e10a&query=Civil+Aviation+Authority+of+Italy%2Ccoronavirus%2CCOVID-19+Crisis%2Ccovid-19+restrictions%2CCovid-19+violations&publish_min=2020-08-07T20:04:39.000Z&publish_max=2020-08-10T20:04:39.000Z&sort_by=date-relevance&order_by=0&limit=2 If your flight has been cancelled you have been notified by email and SMS and given the option of a travel voucher valid for 12 months, a refund, or rebook your journey. Ryanair, Europas größte Fluggesellschaft, bestätigte heute (Freitag, 3. For the best site experience please enable JavaScript in your browser settings Ryanair has clashed with Italy’s air travel regulators, who have threatened to ground the airline’s flights for breaches of Covid-19 safeguards.

"Ryanair complies fully with the measures set out by the Italian government and our customers can rest assured that we are doing everything to reduce interaction on both our aircraft and at airports to protect the health of our passengers. ) "The claims made in ENAC’s press release today are factually incorrect," Ryanair responded. Juni wurden zusätzliche Mitarbeiter geschult, um den Rückstau an Erstattungsanträgen von Kunden zu beseitigen, mit folgenden Ergebnissen:Diese Zahlen umfassen auch Passagiere, die Reisegutscheine und/oder kostenlose Umbuchungen auf Flüge, die nun von Ryanair in den Monaten Juli, August und September durchgeführt werden, akzeptiert haben.Ryanair forderte außerdem Screenscraping-Online-Reisebüros („online travel agents“, OTAs) auf, genaue Angaben zu ihren nicht autorisierte Buchungen zu machen, damit Ryanair auch diese Rückerstattungen bearbeiten kann.

In the last quarter alone Ryanair lost €185 million after being forced to ground most of its fleet for four months. "Ryanair will work closely with public health authorities to ensure that these flights comply, where possible, with effective measures to limit the spread of Covid-19." Photograph: EPAEnac, Italy’s civil aviation authority, confirmed on Wednesday that it wrote to Ryanair for violations of its anti-Covid health regulations on board the Irish carrier’s craft.Ryanair called the claims “factually incorrect” and said it complied fully with all anti-virus measures set by the Italian government and was doing everything to protect its passengers’ health.Enac warned that if the breaches continue, it would consider suspending Ryanair flights to and from The Italian regulator also said that it has raised the issue with the Italy has allowed airlines to derogate from social distancing rules if they take other steps to protect passengers from coronavirus instead.Enac’s statement points out that airline crew must enforce safeguards, including wearing face masks, on board each craft.The safety body described Ryanair’s breaches as consistent. 14 million views in 6 hours. Mehr Informationen Wenn Ihr Flug gestrichen wurde, wurden Sie per E-Mail und SMS benachrichtigt und haben die Möglichkeit einen 12 Monate gültigen Reisegutschein zu erhalten, Ihre Reise erstattet zu bekommen oder umzubuchen.

In response to the COVID-19 virus, Ryanair has been forced to process a number of flight cancellations. Ryanair, Europas größte Fluggesellschaft, bestätigte heute (Freitag, 3. Italy's civil aviation authority ENAC threatened to suspend Ryanair's permit to fly to the country citing non-compliance with COVID-19 safety rules. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über Ihren Reisegutschein zu erfahren. Ryanair fordert alle betroffenen Kunden, die ihre Rückerstattung noch nicht erhalten haben, auf, sich mit dem Kundendienst der OTAs in Verbindung zu setzen, um sicherzustellen, dass diese auf die Benachrichtigungs-E-Mails von Ryanair reagiert haben und mit Ryanair zusammenarbeiten, damit auch diese Rückerstattungsanträge bearbeitet werden können.We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website.

"Italy was the first European Union country to be seriously affected by the pandemic, which has officially killed over 35,000, but its contagion rate is currently far below levels seen in other parts of the bloc.Array