However, paleoclimatic data reveal that ice sheet melting produced in the past a strong decrease of the West African monsoon (To investigate the significance of the monsoon variations due to the freshwater input, we use the However, our scenarios are used in transient experiments. With up to 80% of its people living on less than $2 a day, poverty is more widespread in the Sahel than in most other parts of Africa.The Sahel’s population growth rate also is among the world’s highest. Following poor rains in 2017, Mauritania and parts of Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, Mauritania and Senegal are witnessing severe pasture and water shortages. It was originally called Upper Volta. The Sahel spans 5,900 km (3,670 mi) from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Red Sea in the east, in a belt that varies from several hundred to a thousand kilometers (c. 600 miles) in width, covering an area of 3,053,200 square kilometers (1,178,850 sq mi).

Experts project the six countries’ population of approximately 90 million people to jump to 240 million by 2050—a rapid increase that could undermine educational efforts, stretch already limited public services and leave more young people without job opportunities. Sahel, semiarid region of western and north-central Africa extending from Senegal eastward to Sudan. A positive (negative) value means that a greater (smaller) number of people is affected by rainfall changes compared with the reference period (1976–2005).All data generated in this study by the IPSL-CM5A-LR model for the Greenland scenarios as well as and the Ferret and Python scripts produced for their analysis are available from the corresponding author. It has caused significant population displacement in the three affected countries. During the hottest period, the average high temperatures are generally between 36 and 42 °C (97 and 108 °F) (and even more in the hottest regions), often for more than three months, while the average low temperatures are around 25 to 31 °C (77 to 88 °F). The first key feature is a significant decrease of Sahel rainfall for the three larger GrIS scenarios (i.e., 1-, 1.5-, and 3-m equivalent SLR) compared with the four-member RCP8.5 dataset. and C.D. Recent observations and modeling studies have suggested that the ice sheet contribution to future sea level rise could have been underestimated in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. We explore the related climatic effects on the West African monsoon over the 21st century and their ensuing impacts on the Sahelian cultivable areas and thus on the local population.Using the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace low resolution coupled ocean–atmosphere model (IPSL-CM5A-LR) [same version as in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) exercise (It has been shown that the freshening of the North Atlantic has global climatic impacts (Teleconnection mechanisms linking the Greenland ice sheet melting and the decrease of the Sahelian rainfall. This decrease occurs almost concomitantly with the FWF release and can be up to 30% over the period 2030–2060, reaching 3 mm⋅dThe Sahelian agroecosystem is likely to be strongly disturbed by these large precipitation changes; this could have significant impacts on populations extremely dependent upon rainfed agriculture for subsistence. The Sahel part of Africa includes from west to east parts of northern Historically, the western part of the Sahel was sometimes known as the The topography of the Sahel is mainly flat; most of the region lies between 200 and 400 meters (660 and 1,310 ft) in elevation. This database has been elaborated within the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project.Author contributions: D.D., G.R., B.S., D.S., and C.D. Paris, 12 December 2017 - A new United Nations initiative, aimed at building the resilience of a million women and youth in the Sahel to climate impacts through smart agriculture, was launched today at the One Planet Summit.The launch coincides with a gathering of world leaders in the French capital to mark the anniversary of the landmark Paris Climate Change Agreement. Image credit: Michael Marsland (Yale University, New Haven, CT).We need evidence-based answers in order to create migration policies that balance Photo: UN Photo/Kay Muldoon. Sahel is one of Burkina Faso's 13 administrative regions.It was created on 2 July 2001. Dried-up riverbed outside Ougadougou, Burkina Faso.