You move home: this is an obvious one. So, why do some cats suddenly stop using it? By the time her box is 100% new litter, she’ll probably think the whole thing was her idea. Tidy likes to think of them as having high standards. So keep this in mind when switching litter, and do so gradually. Some cats can be very particular about their litter. We recommend scooping daily and refreshing the litter once a week.

You move home: this is an obvious one. Some would say cats are picky. Maintain 2-3 inches of clumping cat litter in the box. Even if there is a good reason for switching, you should proceed with caution. For example my cat is older and he used to have no problems with Feline Pine, but as he's gotten older his tolerance for it on his paws has been worse so I had to switch him back to fine clumping litter again. They have apparently no issues sharing. So keep this in mind when switching litter, and do so gradually. She starred in the Animal Planet UK series Psycho Kitty, and is one of the most popular and sought-after cat behavior experts in the world. It may be too long a distance to let your cat use it's previous litter box location if you have moved to a new home, especially to another state or country. So keep this in mind when switching litter, and do so gradually.Start with 2/3 old litter and 1/3 new, increasing the new litter over time so kitty can get used to it. Any changes could be disruptive. 1 question I get from family, friends and colleagues is, “Why is my cat suddenly not using the litter box?” So I decided to do some research and see what I could find.If the family feline has suddenly decided she’d like to “go” anywhere but the litter box, it could be a sign that something isn’t right, either in the environment or with her health.Litter box issues are a top reason cats are surrendered to shelters or put outdoors after living inside. Kittens have to get the hang of using the litter box and clumping litter may end up stuck to their little paws and between their toes.Make sure to fill the box generously with the litter. I am new to this site, found it by accident but LOVE it!
Once your cat is using the ordinary clay litter, you can use the following process to switch your kitty over to a natural alternative. So go slow, be mindful of your cat’s sensitivities to smell, texture and weight when switching litter, and strive to make any alterations subtle. This changeover should typically take place over three to five days. You want to switch to a clumping brand of litter, which makes cleaning easier. Keep in mind your cat’s litter box is its safe haven.

Your cat is having avoidance issues with the existing litter and is relieving itself outside of the box. What a great site! Some cats have sensitive paws and the pine litter may not work for them so keep that in mind if the behavior continues after the ratio of litters has been completed. Instead of using the middle of the tray, they go at the edge. The studio box for the big guys is a huge, deep, covered box. They are fine with it but I feel it is so dusty and would like to switch them over to a less dusty cat litter. Observe carefully. It may be too long a distance to let your cat use it's previous litter box location if you have moved to a … Reasons for this new, unwanted behavior can range from a common and very treatable bladder infection to switching to a new litter to introducing a new cat or other pet into the home.It is usually a case of trial and error to find a litter that the cat will like. Keep several litter boxes in different locations, and scoop daily. If … Pam Johnson-Bennett is the best-selling author of 8 books on cat behavior. We'll help you find the perfect match. For topic suggestions, email Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. A good rule of thumb is to have as many litter boxes as you have cats, plus one more. Some would say cats are picky. We currently have six cats and three litterboxes.

As cat litter is usually dusty, dirty litter particles can move about your kitchen, especially when they try to cover by kicking the litter. | To make the switch, on day one, mix in a small amount of the new litter with a larger amount of the old litter—maybe 1/8 or even 1/4 of the new litter. The litter brand that you normally buy is no longer available. Reasons for this new, unwanted behavior can range from a common and very treatable bladder infection to switching to a new litter to introducing a new cat or other pet into the home. If you have this type of box and you're having a problem with your cat, try removing the top and just use the bottom to see if that helps.If the family feline is suddenly not using the litter box, a trip to the vet can rule out any medical conditions.Traci D. Howerton is the volunteer coordinator for Animal Rescue New Orleans (ARNO), a nonprofit, volunteer-based, no-kill shelter. Gradual Changeover to the New Cat Litter This is the safest method because it gives your cat time to adjust to the difference without it being overwhelming. If you have multiple cats, make sure the box is big enough and that you're scooping it often.There are some good reasons that your cat may stop using the litter box. If you have multiple cats, make sure the box is big enough and that you're scooping it often.I don't have a cat, but the No.
As cat litter is usually dusty, dirty litter particles can move about your kitchen, especially when they try to cover by kicking the litter. Every time your cat goes to the litter box, as a creature of habit, he is expecting to come across the same texture against his paw pads and the same scent (or non-scent). If your cat is sensitive, the new litter should not account for more than 20% of the total litter. You can do this with multiple additional boxes if you’re undecided between a few types of litter.Once he has been successfully and routinely using the new litter you can remove the other litter boxes.The worst thing you can do when it comes to changing litter brands or types is to merely dump out the contents of his current box and fill it with an unfamiliar litter. Sometimes it’s necessary to switch cat litter. 3MAKE THE SWITCH COMPLETE and use only World’s Best Cat Litter™. You want to switch to a new type of litter. Even if you’re absolutely sure he’ll like the new litter better, use one of the above two methods rather than using the element of surprise.