Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says there are currently 371 active cases in B.C, with 11 people in hospital. There were no new deaths reported in the province. "We called the police immediately,&q...VICTORIA - B.C's health officials are reporting 47 new cases of COVID-19 today (Aug. 5), and no new deaths. Due to the rivers rising as result of recent rain events, the City will be closing boat launches for the foreseeable future. 7 Victoria Street West, Kamloops BC, V2C 1A2. Realtors say if they are priced right and show well, they're snapped up within days. Summer Hours of Operation May-Sept: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.

The Kweseltken Farmer's & Artisan Market is a partnership between Community Futures Development Corporation of Central Interior First Nations and Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association. The Seyfert family had spent $2,000 on the items, with plans for family bike rides this summer.

On August 2, Merritt RCMP were called to the Claybanks R.V Park along Voght Street for a report of an intoxicated man touching children inappropriately. Each province and territory was then assigned ...KAMLOOPS - While more people are staying at Kamloops hotels, the overall numbers are down. Tournament Capital Returns to Hosting with Weekend Throws Competition.

Wendy Runge says after a difficult spring brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the market continued to improve in July.Overall 340 single-family or multi-fa...KELOWNA - Kelowna RCMP are using a photo comparison to remind the public of the hazards carrying replica firearms in public can bring. Beginning August 9, the airline will offer one direct flight from Kamloops to Vancouver every Friday at 5:45 p.m. A return flight is set from Monday mornings at 6:40 a.m.Central Mountain Air says the flights will continue until ...KAMLOOPS - The President of the Kamloops and District Real Estate Association (KADREA) expects the local real estate market to improve through the end of the year. In an emailed statement from Corporate Affairs Manager Felicia Fefer, it's noted that more than 60 per cent of the stores are located in regions where there is already some form of mandate on face coverings.

Brian O'Callaghan says around 3:30 p.m Saturday, police were called to the river east of the Pioneer Park boat launch for two boats involved in a ...KAMLOOPS - Interior Health is warning people who use drugs of a toxic supply making its way through Kamloops. Our newsroom abides by the RTDNA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and follows the Canadian Press Stylebook ADAMS LAKE, B.C - Chase RCMP are investigating after a medical vehicle and work equipment was stolen from a logging site in the Adams Lake area.

today (Aug. 8). "The last time we saw h...VICTORIA - Health officials in B.C are announcing 146 new cases of COVID-19 after the B.C Day long weekend. Effective immediately, the city has shifted the employee workforce to … Released on July 30, 2020. Rising river levels forced them to close on May 28. Kamloops Fire Rescue Responding to Structure Fires in Rayleigh. Two Revelstoke men were arrested without...KAMLOOPS - Arrow Transportation Systems is making a $250,000 donation to Royal Inland Hospital to fund a surgical suite in the new Patient Care Tower. In a release, Sgt. "As soon as we opened anything, it's not back to normal b...KAMLOOPS - The Kamloops Symphony is one of many local organizations struggling under the global pandemic. KAMLOOPS - Provincial health officials report 29 new cases of COVID-19 in B.C. "I've been in line-ups, waiting to show homes," said President of the Kamloops and District Real Estate Association (KADREA) Wendy Runge.

Kamloops Symphony Orchestra Executive ...KAMLOOPS - Walmart stores across the country will be requiring customers to wear masks as of August 12. The Interior Health Region has an incre...KAMLOOPS - A small fire southeast of Spences Bridge is now classified as being held by the BC Wildfire Service. ... KTW Daily News Alerts. "Normally at this point in the year, we get 50 per cent B.C. Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says there are currently 351 active cases in B.C, with nine people in hospital. This includes four new cases in Interior Health since Wednesday, for a total of 360.