Jul 16, 2020 Jordan will open its international airport next month, according to the state-run news agency. Most (including Australia) called for restraint and diplomacy. The number of confirmed cases on Monday reached 135 and Saturday’s cases were the highest since February at 175. "I have kidney failure and I need a transplant," he said. “The infected person is now spreading the infection to 3 people.”  "15-year-old Abdallah Abed was one of 16 patients to be flown out on the first flight to Amman. Some governments (e.g. The relative suffered from burns at home and it was found out that he had COVID-19. Iran shutters newspaper after expert questions coronavirus numbers TEHRAN, Iran: Iran shut down a newspaper on Monday after it published remarks by an expert who said the official figures on coronavirus cases and deaths in the country account for only 5 percent of the real toll.A deserted bridge on the eastern outskirts of the Lebanese capital Beirut, during a lockdown imposed by the authorities due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Envoy calls for investigation into Wednesday's air strikes that killed at least 11 civilians in al-Jawf province. Jordan’s Minister of State for Media Affairs Amjad Adaileh told Al-Mamlaka today that Queen Alia International Airport in Amman will resume international flights in the first or second week of …

Manila's 2nd airport to open in November, if this happens Duterte orders early conversion of Sangley, a former military base, to civilian use Published: June 11, 2019 17:13 Gulf News Web Report Mar 24, 2020 SANAA, Yemen — Yemen is trying to get ahead of the coronavirus crisis, but it faces a daunting task.

"The launch of the evacuations comes against a backdrop of a deterioration in Yemen's conflict, with fierce fighting around Sanaa that has erupted again, after a period of relative calm.The UN Refugee Agency in Yemen estimates that more than 3,800 families have been displaced this year between 19 January and 2 February following a rapid escalation of hostilities.RTÉ.ie is the website of Raidió Teilifís Éireann, Ireland's National Public Service Broadcaster. The total lockdown of the country is from July 30 to August 3 and from August 6 until August 10, including the days of Eid Al-Adha. Hassan requested hospitals to postpone receiving cold medical cases to later appointments because there were 222 cases within the health sector among doctors, nurses and employees.

"The United Nations must operate the air bridge regularly, send abroad patients suffering from diseases, open Sanaa airport, and end the blockade of Yemen. WFP Yemen Country Brief, May 2020 Source.

"Passengers will have to stay in quarantine for two days at their own expense in special centers, pending the results of the second PCR test at the airport,” Hassan said. Content Search. The EU's €750 billion recovery fund - What is in it for Ireland? The minister of defense, Zeina Aker, announced that her daughter had been infected with the virus.

Though it hadn't reported a single case of COVID-19 as of March 24, the country's medical infrastructure, debilitated from five years of civil war, and its fractured society leave it especially vulnerable to the pandemic. (AFP/File) "We hope that the recent increase in military escalations in northern Yemen does not put these flights under threat, and this small but significant step helps to build confidence between conflict parties. It is a measure intended to relieve pressure on hospitals that have started to get overcrowded. "It's crucially important that this first flight has gone. He added that what was happening was another indication of the “rapid spread” of the virus within one week. This is the first flight, there will be more. “There was great pressure on the 50 laboratories,” Hassan said. Fears of COVID-19 have overtaken the country’s many financial and economic concerns, with politicians, parliament officials, ministry and court staff taking polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests on Monday and entire towns shutting down. Fear of contracting the virus has also reached politicians. Yemen. The US military's 2020 Baghdad International Airport airstrike, which killed the high-level Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Iraq, brought strong reactions from around the world. "However, she added: "The real solution is to end the war.

Lebanon to re-open Beirut international airport from July 1 ... Yemen began repatriation flights in late May, despite concerns about the spread of coronavirus in the country. "Severe diseases in Yemen are many, and people need to travel. Yemeni children in critical need of medical care were evacuated from the rebel-held capital Sanaa, in what the United Nations hopes will be the first of more mercy flights from the war-torn country.The Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan Egeland, described the flights as a "glimmer of hope", but said too many people had died waiting for medical evacuation.The flights took two years of negotiations to set up, according to the UN humanitarian coordinator in Yemen, Lise Grande.Speaking from Sanaa airport, which has been closed to civilian flights since 2015, she said: "There are thousands of patients who need this care. "Supervised by the United Nations and World Health Organization, flights from Sanaa will go to Amman in Jordan and Cairo in Egypt.The WHO said the majority of the patients are women and children suffering from cancer and brain tumours, or who need organ transplants or reconstructive surgeries.Yemen's internationally recognised government, backed by a Saudi-led military coalition, has been fighting Iran-backed Houthi rebels since 2014 when they seized control of the capital.In November, the coalition, which controls Yemen's airspace, said patients needing medical care would be allowed to fly out of Sanaa.The move was among confidence-building measures aimed at ending the five-year war that has killed thousands of people and displaced millions in what the UN has termed the world's worst humanitarian crisis.The launch of the "air bridge" is a rare bright spot in Yemen, and a possible step towards reopening Sanaa airport, which is a key demand of the Houthis and one of the issues being pursued by UN-led mediators.Abdullah Abed's father Abed Ali Murshid said: "Today is the start of the air bridge that we have been waiting for two years.

However, the final decision will be taken by the Council of Ministers that will meet Tuesday.

UN. Aqis’ first test was positive but the second was negative. Brazil's) welcomed the killing, while some (e.g. Parliament closed on Monday to carry out PCR tests for MPs who had mixed with George Aqis, including Speaker Nabih Berri. Hong Kong extradition treaty 'under consideration' - Dept of Justice

Employees and judges at the Palace of Justice in Beirut were tested and it was decided to suspend trial sessions for four days. Open training opportunities in the humanitarian field. China's) condemned it.

"There is no justification for punishing very sick civilians by blocking them from accessing medical treatment.