Call Silver Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation.If you've been charged with a crime in the Bay Area or any of the surrounding counties, call Silver Law Firm today at:Or fill out our online form to schedule a free and confidential consultation.With several locations for your convenience, Silver Law Firm helps people across Oakland and throughout the Bay Area with a wide array of criminal charges and other legal issues.

However, a person who commits a battery crime also has to face assault charge.Olivia is a Graduate in Electronic Engineering with HR, Training & Development background and has over 15 years of field experience.I also thank you for your assistance answers they are very helpful to me Thank you very .much Your lawyer may be able to work a deal so that you can avoid jail or prison time and instead receive probation. The reason for this is, when someone commits battery they usually have the intent to harm, and threaten the person before committing the physical act.There will also be different degrees of battery including first degree, second degree, and third degree. Both assault and battery are criminal offenses tried as a misdemeanor or felony based on the seriousness of damage caused.
In other words, assault is the attempt to commit battery. Assault and battery are two criminal charges that can be put against a guilty person. Domestic battery occurs when the person injured is an “intimate partner.” The law defines “intimate partner” quite broadly, to include:If you are convicted of domestic battery, you are subject to a jail sentence of up to one year and a fine of up to $2,000. The charge of assault is only applied, if the victim has only been threatened not touched by criminal. It is an act of offence which create a threat in a person makes a person uncertain about his security.Assault is not a criminal offence if a person gives a threat to the person only by speaking words from his mouth.1. A conviction can result in punishment of up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. Assault and battery is often used together, sometimes seemingly interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between the two; although, someone can be charged with both assault and battery. Battery is when I actually beat you. If you are granted probation or a sentence suspension, California law says that you must successfully complete a batterer’s treatment program that lasts at least a year.If your attorney has achieved probation or a suspended sentence on your behalf, California law says that the judge may order you to make payments to a battered women’s shelter instead of paying a fine.

A battery is when physical contact with a person actually happens. The main aim of assault is to make a person fear their safety while the primary purpose of the battery is to harm the other person or cause them damage. With the help of an Alameda County battery attorney, you may be granted probation instead of jail time or your sentence may be suspended.

It usually includes the use of a dangerous weapon.Best Rated Educational Update Portal in the World; Examination and Academic Guide, High Paying Jobs & Scholarship Website In addition to jail or prison time and a sizeable fine, someone convicted of sexual battery – whether a misdemeanor or a felony – is required to register as a California sex offender.If you’ve been charged with sexual battery, your first call should be to an Alameda County battery attorney at Silver Law Firm. The elements of battery are If Ralph isn’t injured, Charlie may face a simple battery charge. This also includes mental or emotional injury.2. For both assault and battery to be present, one must wave a weapon, or one’s fists, or threaten physical harm, and then commit physical harm.