Earth is continually bathed in energy from the sun. NOAA Paleo- and Historical Climate Forcing Data Access a range of proxy data used to calculate radiative forcing in the past. The mix of gases in our atmosphere keeps some of the heat energy from escaping directly to space, similar to the way a blanket keeps warmth near your body. To document how the atmosphere has changed since then, scientists calculate current RF levels as if it were zero in 1750.

For example, forcing from increased greenhouse gases also increases evaporation, which increases water vapor in the atmosphere and intensifies the forcing from greenhouse gases. The scenarios, known as Representative Concentration Pathways, or RCPs, specify the amount of radiative forcing (RF) in 2100 relative to 1750. If we stabilize the anthropogenic climate drivers that are currently increasing the radiative forcing of the atmosphere, Earth’s energy balance and climate will eventually reach a new state of equilibrium where equal amounts of energy are transferred into and out of the system; when this will occur remains an open question. The rising average temperature of Earth's climate system, called global warming, is driving changes in rainfall patterns, extreme weather, arrival of seasons, and more.Collectively, global warming and its effects are known as climate change.While there have been prehistoric periods of global warming, observed changes since the mid-20th century have been unprecedented in …

Past weather data includes: temperature, snow, snow on ground, precipitation, rain, wind speed and direction, heating and cooling degree days, visibility, humidex, wind chill and relative humidity in … Climate is defined not only by average temperature and precipitation but also by the type, frequency, duration, and intensity of weather events such as heat waves, cold spells, storms, floods, and droughts. The most used principle to remove these inhomogeneities is the relative homogenization approach in which a candidate station is … Natural climate drivers include changes in the sun’s energy output, regular changes in Earth’s orbital cycle, and large volcanic eruptions that put light-reflecting particles into the upper atmosphere. This heat provides further warming of the atmosphere. The difference between incoming and outgoing radiation is known as a planet’s radiative forcing (RF). A Fundamental Climate Data Record is a long-term data record of calibrated and quality-controlled data designed to allow the generation of homogeneous products that are accurate and stable enough for climate monitoring. In the same way as applying a pushing force to a physical object will cause it to become unbalanced and move, a climate forcing factor will change the climate system. Next to changes in the climate itself, raw climate records also contain non-climatic jumps and changes, for example due to relocations or changes in instrumentation. How do weather observations become climate data? The datasets have been assessed through an internationally agreed maturity evaluation process.

Interactive Atmospheric Data Viewer Select sampling sites on a map, and then generate graphs or download data on the concentration of various gases in the atmosphere.

NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is responsible for preserving, monitoring, assessing, and providing public access to the Nation's treasure of climate and historical weather data and information. The desert climate (in the Köppen climate classification BWh and BWk), is a climate in which there is an excess of evaporation over precipitation.The typically bald, rocky, or sandy surfaces in desert climates hold little moisture and evaporate the little rainfall they receive.

WMO Data Catalogue. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. This is the only data portal that combines data discovery, metadata, figures and world-class expertise on the strengths, limitations and applications of climate data…

Some observations are made hourly, others just once a day. Covering 14.2% of earth's land area, hot deserts are the most common type of climate on earth after polar climate. Across the globe, observers and automated stations measure weather conditions at thousands of locations every day of the year. Source: IPCC AR5 WG1 Figure SPM.5.Another way to refer to climate forcings is to call them climate drivers. Human-caused, or anthropogenic climate drivers include emissions of heat-trapping gases (also known as greenhouse gases) and changes in land use that make land reflect more or less sunlight energy. Since 1750, human-caused climate drivers have been increasing, and their effect dominates all natural climate drivers.Climate scientists have defined four possible scenarios for the future that they use as consistent inputs for calculating climate in the future. Such measurements provide an objective basis for the understanding and prediction of climate and An Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) is a dataset that has been forward processed, using the baselined CDR algorithm and processing environment but whose consistency and continuity have not been verified. 7.

While the concepts of climate and weather are often confused, it is important to understand the difference. Data Links.

Climate data for cities worldwide Select a continent Africa; North America; South America; Asia; Europe; Oceania; Popular places.

The WMO Catalogue for Climate Data is a trustworthy source for climate data.

For more information about RCPs, see IPCC WGI AR5 Box SPM.1 (final page of the Climate drivers can also trigger feedbacks that intensify or weaken the original forcing.