The whole point of an investigation is to uncover causes which can be fixed - so that the same incident doesn't occur again. The Safety Wise Investigation Toolkit Resource Card (USB) ... but is an applet that can be downloaded to a device to assist and guide you through the ICAM Investigation … If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies. Forgetting is inevitable and it is also adaptive as it clears our memory for other things that are considered more important or relevant at the time. While you may have undertaken the assessment and gained a Statement of Attainment, when you look at that certificate and feel very proud to have obtained it (as you should be!) All Rights Reserved. Data Collection 5. A present for those of you who use ICAM. The poster is made of  cardboard whiteboard so it can be used, rubbed out and re-used again and again. We have also produced a ‘matrix’ to help decide when each process should be used. and from the feedback we receive, attendees say it was a great course and they learnt some valuable techniques for incident investigation. Then after reviewing all the data you produced a timeline, you identified the contributing factors and placed them in the ICAM Chart and finally by addressing the Organisational Factors and Absent / Failed Defences, you came up with robust recommendations (based on the hierarchy of controls) to meet the objectives of incident investigations - prevention of recurrence and reduction of risk. We are excited to be introducing a terrific new training course here at AlertForce in May. Luke is passionate about online OHS and incident investigation communities, moderating a number of large LinkedIn groups boasting over 11,000 members globally.ICAM Investigation Completed In Less than 45 Minutes? Investigation Planning 4. Resource Toolkit ICAM Reference Guide Sections Relevant sections of the ICAM methodology are denoted in the flowchart and attached to this PDF.

Now, how much do you really remember from that course ? Australian Institute of Health & Safety ABN:82 151 339 329 | © Copyright 2019 Australian Institute of Health & Safety. • Designed to ensure that the investigation is not restricted to the errors and violations of operational personnel. Participants will also be provided online resources to extend their competency into other industries.Includes bonus content: Exclusive MICAM access & ICAM ToolkitChoose this course to turn safety leaders into ICAM experts.

The neural networks that your training inspired are beginning to dissolve, and as a result, most people start forgetting a lot of what was presented.At the completion of ICAM Training, attendees are enthusiastic and say that they feel confident in applying the skills back at work. A well-prepared accident investigation kit will include all the materials you need to gather information, along with clear instructions for the steps to take. Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) Toolkit. Absolutely!ABOUT THE AUTHOR- Luke Dam (Chief Operations Officer)By signing up to our mailing list you will receive information about products and services. • ICAM stems from the work of Professor Reason and his modelling of organisational accidents. Little is known at the outset, and the investigation depends on the physical evidence collected along with interviews and documentation. ICAM Analysis 6. You can find a few The ICAM investigation example below was conducted based on a worker falling into a site pit which was dug by an excavator.As you can see from the example, the first few parts of the investigation report or document cover some basic housekeeping items including:These are important parts of any investigation, as other people may be involved in the investigation and may not have the context or exact vocabulary of the people conducting the investigation.Next, the ICAM investigation covers the details of the incident being investigated.

The lack of a clear understanding of the issues means that companies often do not include human factors in their safety management system (SMS). Noggin utilises two investigation processes, both of which are in common use. Do you vaguely remember the Facilitator giving another overview of the take-away tools which were designed to make your life easy when you had to use the methodology back at work?If you can’t recall this, don’t worry… you’re perfectly normal.

By the time you got back to your normal job after a few days away, undoubtedly you had to play catch up and were totally focused on your usual work. So you’ve done the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) Training…. And How?Once the data has been collected, it is important that it be organised logically and sequentially in preparation for ICAM analysis.Several data organising techniques can be used to assist with the correlation.There are many data organisation tools available. We offer comprehensive capabilities related to accident investigations. Improper use of tools: tools were used for activities for which they were not designed or tools were misused, e.g. the time of the incident is a fact but is non-contributory to the event.Organisational Factors- These are the underlying organisational factors that produce the conditions that affect performance in the workplace. Your Facilitator would have also provided contact details if you had any queries.